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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9954 T-17-2899 저자명 : Lee AY, Han YA, Kim JE, Hong SH, Park EJ, Cho MH. 논문명 : Saururus chinensis Baill induces apoptosis through endoplasmic reticulum stress in HepG2 hepatocellular carcinoma cells. 2015
9953 T-17-2817 저자명 : Konno S, Chu K, Feuer N, Phillips J, Choudhury M. 논문명 : Potent Anticancer Effects of Bioactive Mushroom Extracts (Phellinus linteus) on a Variety of Human Cancer Cells. 2015
9952 T-17-2815 저자명 : Lee WY, Hsu KF, Chiang TA, Chen CJ. 논문명 : Phellinus linteus extract induces autophagy and synergizes with 5-fluorouracil to inhibit breast cancer cell growth. 2015
9951 T-17-2814 저자명 : Park JM, Lee JS, Song JE, Sim YC, Ha SJ, Hong EK. 논문명 : Cytoprotective effect of hispidin against palmitate-induced lipotoxicity in C2C12 myotubes. 2015
9950 T-17-2813 저자명 : Mei Y, Zhu H, Hu Q, Liu Y, Zhao S, Peng N, Liang Y. 논문명 : A novel polysaccharide from mycelia of cultured Phellinus linteus displays antitumor activity through apoptosis. 2015
9949 T-17-2812 저자명 : Li XH, Li Y, Cheng ZY, Cai XG, Wang HM. 논문명 : The Effects of Phellinus linteus Polysaccharide Extracts on Cholesterol Efflux in Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein-Loaded THP-1 Macrophages. 2015
9948 T-17-2811 저자명 : Jang EH, Jang SY, Cho IH, Hong D, Jung B, Park MJ, Kim JH. 논문명 : Hispolon inhibits the growth of estrogen receptor positive human breast cancer cells through modulation of estrogen receptor alpha. 2015
9947 T-17-2809 저자명 : Suabjakyong P, Nishimura K, Toida T, Van Griensven LJ. 논문명 : Structural characterization and immunomodulatory effects of polysaccharides from Phellinus linteus and Phellinus igniarius on the IL-6/IL-10 cytokine balance of the mouse macrophage cell lines (RAW 264.7). 2015
9946 T-17-2761 저자명 : Xu XL, Huang YJ, Ling DY, Zhang W. 논문명 : Inhibitory effects of 2,3,4',5-tetrahydroxystilbene-2-O-棺-D-glucoside on angiotensin II-induced proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells. 2015
9945 T-17-2758 저자명 : Lo YH, Chen YJ, Chung TY, Lin NH, Chen WY, Chen CY, Lee MR, Chou CC, Tzen JT. 논문명 : Emoghrelin, a unique emodin derivative in Heshouwu, stimulates growth hormone secretion via activation of the ghrelin receptor. 2015