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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9974 T-17-3177 저자명 : Giridharan VV, Thandavarayan RA, Arumugam S, Mizuno M, Nawa H, Suzuki K, Ko KM, Krishnamurthy P, Watanabe K, Konishi T. 논문명 : Schisandrin B Ameliorates ICV-Infused Amyloid 棺 Induced Oxidative Stress and Neuronal Dysfunction through Inhibiting RAGE/NF-觀B/MAPK and Up-Regulating HSP/Beclin Expression. 2015
9973 T-17-3146 저자명 : Park HJ, Yang HJ, Kim KH, Kim SH. 논문명 : Aqueous extract of Orostachys japonicus A. Berger exerts immunostimulatory activity in RAW 264.7 macrophages. 2015
9972 T-17-3145 저자명 : Shim KS, Ha H, Kim T, Lee CJ, Ma JY. 논문명 : Orostachys japonicus Suppresses Osteoclast Differentiation by Inhibiting NFATc1 Expression. 2015
9971 T-17-3081 저자명 : Seo KH, Lee DY, Jeong RH, Lee DS, Kim YE, Hong EK, Kim YC, Baek NI. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of prenylated arylbenzofuran and flavonoids from morus alba fruits on glutamate-induced oxidative injury in HT22 hippocampal cells. 2015
9970 T-17-3080 저자명 : Jung JW, Ko WM, Park JH, Seo KH, Oh EJ, Lee DY, Lee DS, Kim YC, Lim DW, Han D, Baek NI. 논문명 : Isoprenylated flavonoids from the root bark of Morus alba and their hepatoprotective and neuroprotective activities. 2015
9969 T-17-3078 저자명 : Jadoon S, Karim S, Bin Asad MH, Akram MR, Khan AK, Malik A, Chen C, Murtaza G. 논문명 : Anti-Aging Potential of Phytoextract Loaded-Pharmaceutical Creams for Human Skin Cell Longetivity. 2015
9968 T-17-3077 저자명 : Ann JY, Eo H, Lim Y. 논문명 : Mulberry leaves (Morus alba L.) ameliorate obesity-induced hepatic lipogenesis, fibrosis, and oxidative stress in high-fat diet-fed mice. 2015
9967 T-17-3060 저자명 : Kommuru DS, Whitley NC, Miller JE, Mosjidis JA, Burke JM, Gujja S, Mechineni A, Terrill TH. 논문명 : Effect of sericea lespedeza leaf meal pellets on adult female Haemonchus contortus in goats. 2015
9966 T-17-3055 저자명 : Harada S, Tsujita T, Ono A, Miyagi K, Mori T, Tokuyama S. 논문명 : Stachys sieboldii (Labiatae, Chorogi) Protects against Learning and Memory Dysfunction Associated with Ischemic Brain Injury. 2015
9965 T-17-3052 저자명 : G체ler B, K체m체힊tekin G, U휓urlu E. 논문명 : Contribution to the traditional uses of medicinal plants of Turgutlu (Manisa--Turkey). 2015