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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9964 T-17-2967 저자명 : Lee SH, Cho YC, Kim KH, Lee IS, Choi HJ, Kang BY. 논문명 : Artesunate inhibits proliferation of na챦ve CD4(+) T cells but enhances function of effector T cells. 2015
9963 T-17-2964 저자명 : Islamuddin M, Chouhan G, Farooque A, Dwarakanath BS, Sahal D, Afrin F. 논문명 : Th1-biased immunomodulation and therapeutic potential of Artemisia annua in murine visceral leishmaniasis. 2015
9962 T-17-2963 저자명 : Hunt S, Yoshida M, Davis CE, Greenhill NS, Davis PF. 논문명 : An extract of the medicinal plant Artemisia annua modulates production of inflammatory markers in activated neutrophils. 2015
9961 T-17-2962 저자명 : Li YJ, Guo Y, Yang Q, Weng XG, Yang L, Wang YJ, Chen Y, Zhang D, Li Q, Liu XC, Kan XX, Chen X, Zhu XX, Kmon챠챔kov찼 E, Z챠dek Z. 논문명 : Flavonoids casticin and chrysosplenol D from Artemisia annua L. inhibit inflammation in vitro and in vivo. 2015
9960 T-17-2961 저자명 : Bao LD, Ren XH, Ma RL, Wang Y, Yuan HW, Lv HJ. 논문명 : Efficacy of Artemisia annua polysaccharides as an adjuvant to hepatitis C vaccination. 2015
9959 T-17-2960 저자명 : Lai L, Chen Y, Tian X, Li X, Zhang X, Lei J, Bi Y, Fang B, Song X. 논문명 : Artesunate alleviates hepatic fibrosis induced by multiple pathogenic factors and inflammation through the inhibition of LPS/TLR4/NF-觀B signaling pathway in rats. 2015
9958 T-17-2959 저자명 : Ravindra KC, Ho WE, Cheng C, Godoy LC, Wishnok JS, Ong CN, Wong WS, Wogan GN, Tannenbaum SR. 논문명 : Untargeted Proteomics and Systems-Based Mechanistic Investigation of Artesunate in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. 2015
9957 T-17-2958 저자명 : Wei S, Ji H, Yang B, Ma L, Bei Z, Li X, Dang H, Yang X, Liu C, Wu X, Chen J. 논문명 : Impact of chrysosplenetin on the pharmacokinetics and anti-malarial efficacy of artemisinin against Plasmodium berghei as well as in vitro CYP450 enzymatic activities in rat liver microsome. 2015
9956 T-17-2956 저자명 : Michaelsen FW, Saeed ME, Schwarzkopf J, Efferth T. 논문명 : Activity of Artemisia annua and artemisinin derivatives, in prostate carcinoma. 2015
9955 T-17-2955 저자명 : Lima RB, Rocha e Silva LF, Melo MR, Costa JS, Pican챌o NS, Lima ES, Vasconcellos MC, Boleti AP, Santos JM, Amorim RC, Chaves FC, Coutinho JP, Tadei WP, Krettli AU, Pohlit AM. 논문명 : In vitro and in vivo anti-malarial activity of plants from the Brazilian Amazon. 2015