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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9984 T-17-3187 저자명 : Hakala E, Hanski LL, Yrj철nen T, Vuorela HJ, Vuorela PM. 논문명 : The Lignan-containing Extract of Schisandra chinensis Berries Inhibits the Growth of Chlamydia pneumonia. 2015
9983 T-17-3186 저자명 : Lv XJ, Zhao LJ, Hao YQ, Su ZZ, Li JY, Du YW, Zhang J. 논문명 : Schisandrin B inhibits the proliferation of human lung adenocarcinoma A549 cells by inducing cycle arrest and apoptosis. 2015
9982 T-17-3185 저자명 : Yue C, Chen J, Hou R, Liu J, Li X, Gao Z, Liu C, Wang D, Lu Y, Li H, Hu Y. 논문명 : Effects of Selenylation Modification on Antioxidative Activities of Schisandra chinensis Polysaccharide. 2015
9981 T-17-3184 저자명 : Lee KP, Kang S, Park SJ, Kim JM, Lee JM, Lee AY, Chung HY, Choi YW, Lee YG, Im DS. 논문명 : Anti-allergic effect of α-cubebenoate isolated from Schisandra chinensis using in vivo and in vitro experiments. 2015
9980 T-17-3183 저자명 : Chu ZS, Yu ZL, Pan SY, Jia ZH, Wang XY, Zhang Y, Zhu PL, Wang XJ, Ko KM. 논문명 : A comparative study between Wuweizi seed and its post-ethanol extraction residue in normal and hypercholesterolemic mice. 2015
9979 T-17-3182 저자명 : Park SY, Choi YH, Park G, Choi YW. 논문명 : Neuroprotective effects of 慣-iso-cubebenol on glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. 2015
9978 T-17-3181 저자명 : Lai Q, Wei J, Mahmoodurrahman M, Zhang C, Quan S, Li T, Yu Y. 논문명 : Pharmacokinetic and nephroprotective benefits of using Schisandra chinensis extracts in a cyclosporine A-based immune-suppressive regime. 2015
9977 T-17-3180 저자명 : Jeong JW, Lee HH, Choi EO, Lee KW, Kim KY, Kim SG, Hong SH, Kim GY, Park C, Kim HK, Choi YW, Choi YH. 논문명 : Schisandrae Fructus Inhibits IL-1棺-Induced Matrix Metalloproteinases and Inflammatory Mediators Production in SW1353 Human Chondrocytes by Suppressing NF-觀B and MAPK Activation. 2015
9976 T-17-3179 저자명 : Kim M, Lim SJ, Lee HJ, Kim SY, Nho CW. 논문명 : Gomisin J Inhibits Oleic Acid-Induced Hepatic Lipogenesis by Activation of the AMPK-Dependent Pathway and Inhibition of the Hepatokine Fetuin-A in HepG2 Cells. 2015
9975 T-17-3178 저자명 : Liu W, Liu Y, Wang Z, Yu T, Lu Q, Chen H. 논문명 : Suppression of MAPK and NF-觀 B pathways by schisandrin B contributes to attenuation of DSS-induced mice model of inflammatory bowel disease. 2015