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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12444 T-19-0348 저자명 : M. Pieszka, P. Szczurek, D. Bederska-Lojewska, W. Migdal, M. Pieszka, P. Gogol and W. Jagusiak 논문명 : The effect of dietary supplementation with dried fruit and vegetable pomaces on production parameters and meat quality in fattening pigs 2017
12443 T-19-0339 저자명 : B. Olas 논문명 : The multifunctionality of berries toward blood platelets and the role of berry phenolics in cardiovascular disorders 2017
12442 T-19-0332 저자명 : P. Lipinska, A. G. Atanasov, M. Palka and A. Jozwik 논문명 : Chokeberry Pomace as a Determinant of Antioxidant Parameters Assayed in Blood and Liver Tissue of Polish Merino and Wrzosowka Lambs 2017
12441 T-19-0331 저자명 : Y. M. Lee, Y. Yoon, H. Yoon, H. M. Park, S. Song and K. J. Yeum 논문명 : Dietary Anthocyanins against Obesity and Inflammation 2017
12440 T-19-0330 저자명 : K. Kowalska, A. Olejnik, D. Szwajgier and M. Olkowicz 논문명 : Inhibitory activity of chokeberry, bilberry, raspberry and cranberry polyphenol-rich extract towards adipogenesis and oxidative stress in differentiated 3T3-L1 adipose cells 2017
12439 T-19-0319 저자명 : N. Kardum, A. Konic Ristic, M. Zec, M. Kojadinovic, G. Petrovic-Oggiano, M. Zekovic, P. A. Kroon and M. Glibetic 논문명 : Design, formulation and sensory evaluation of a polyphenol-rich food placebo: an example of aronia juice for food intervention studies 2017
12438 T-19-0318 저자명 : T. Jurikova, J. Mlcek, S. Skrovankova, D. Sumczynski, J. Sochor, I. Hlavacova, L. Snopek and J. Orsavova 논문명 : Fruits of Black Chokeberry Aronia melanocarpa in the Prevention of Chronic Diseases 2017
12437 T-19-0316 저자명 : B. Jankovic, M. Marinovic-Cincovic and M. Jankovic 논문명 : Distribution of apparent activation energy counterparts during thermo - And thermo-oxidative degradation of Aronia melanocarpa (black chokeberry) 2017
12436 T-19-0314 저자명 : G. T. T. Ho, T. K. Y. Nguyen, E. T. Kase, M. Tadesse, H. Barsett and H. Wangensteen 논문명 : Enhanced Glucose Uptake in Human Liver Cells and Inhibition of Carbohydrate Hydrolyzing Enzymes by Nordic Berry Extracts 2017
12435 T-19-0303 저자명 : M. Cebova, J. Klimentova, P. Janega and O. Pechanova 논문명 : Effect of Bioactive Compound of Aronia melanocarpa on Cardiovascular System in Experimental Hypertension 2017