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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12494 T-19-0649 저자명 : S. Li, J. Li, J. Zhang, W. Wang, X. Wang, H. Jing, Z. Ren, Z. Gao, X. Song, Z. Gong and L. Jia 논문명 : The Antioxidative, Antiaging, and Hepatoprotective Effects of Alkali-Extractable Polysaccharides by Agaricus bisporus 2017
12493 T-19-0640 저자명 : M. D. Kalaras, J. P. Richie, A. Calcagnotto and R. B. Beelman 논문명 : Mushrooms: A rich source of the antioxidants ergothioneine and glutathione 2017
12492 T-19-0637 저자명 : N. Cherno, S. Osolina and O. Nikitina 논문명 : Immobilization of Lipase Inhibitor on the Biopolymers from Agaricus bisporus Cell Walls 2017
12491 T-19-0632 저자명 : J. Santana Nunes, M. Rocha de Brito, D. Cunha Zied, E. Aparecida das Gracas Leite, E. Souza Dias and E. Alves 논문명 : Evaluation of the infection process by Lecanicillium fungicola in Agaricus bisporus by scanning electron microscopy 2017
12490 T-19-0627 저자명 : I. Roncero-Ramos, M. Mendiola-Lanao, M. Perez-Clavijo and C. Delgado-Andrade 논문명 : Effect of different cooking methods on nutritional value and antioxidant activity of cultivated mushrooms 2017
12489 T-19-0618 저자명 : N. A. M. Jamil, N. M. N. Rashid, M. H. A. Hamid, N. Rahmad and J. R. Al-Obaidi 논문명 : Comparative nutritional and mycochemical contents, biological activities and LC/MS screening of tuber from new recipe cultivation technique with wild type tuber of tiger's milk mushroom of species Lignosus rhinocerus 2017
12488 T-19-0610 저자명 : Y. Roman, H. P. de Oliveira Barddal, M. Iacomini, G. L. Sassaki and T. R. Cipriani 논문명 : Anticoagulant and antithrombotic effects of chemically sulfated fucogalactan and citrus pectin 2017
12487 T-19-0600 저자명 : A. Baskaran, K. H. Chua, V. Sabaratnam, M. Ravishankar Ram and U. R. Kuppusamy 논문명 : Pleurotus giganteus (Berk. Karun & Hyde), the giant oyster mushroom inhibits NO production in LPS/H2O2 stimulated RAW 264.7 cells via STAT 3 and COX-2 pathways 2017
12486 T-19-0590 저자명 : V. Singh, G. K. Bedi and R. Shri 논문명 : In Vitro and In Vivo Antidiabetic Evaluation of Selected Culinary-Medicinal Mushrooms (Agaricomycetes) 2017
12485 T-19-0581 저자명 : T. Farzana, S. Mohajan, T. Saha, M. N. Hossain and M. Z. Haque 논문명 : Formulation and nutritional evaluation of a healthy vegetable soup powder supplemented with soy flour, mushroom, and moringa leaf 2017