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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12504 T-19-0765 저자명 : 김선정 ; 강승미 ; 고건희 ; 남상해 논문명 : 엉겅퀴의 항산화 활성 및 손상된 흰쥐 간세포(BNL CL.2)에 대한 간 보호 효과 2017
12503 T-19-0725 저자명 : K. Kumakura, R. Kato, T. Kobayashi, N. Kimura, H. Takahashi, A. Takahashi and H. Matsuoka 논문명 : The salted radish takuan-zuke shows antihypertension effects in spontaneously hypertensive rats 2017
12502 T-19-0717 저자명 : A. Pawlik, M. Wala, A. Hac, A. Felczykowska and A. Herman-Antosiewicz 논문명 : Sulforaphene, an isothiocyanate present in radish plants, inhibits proliferation of human breast cancer cells 2017
12501 T-19-0710 저자명 : T. Rhinesmith, T. Turkette and R. Root-Bernstein 논문명 : Rapid Non-Enzymatic Glycation of the Insulin Receptor under Hyperglycemic Conditions Inhibits Insulin Binding In Vitro: Implications for Insulin Resistance 2017
12500 T-19-0706 저자명 : S. A. Banihani 논문명 : Radish (Raphanus sativus) and Diabetes 2017
12499 T-19-0701 저자명 : K. Kumakura, R. Kato, T. Kobayashi, A. Sekiguchi, N. Kimura, H. Takahashi, A. Takahashi and H. Matsuoka 논문명 : Nutritional content and health benefits of sun-dried and salt-aged radish (takuan-zuke) 2017
12498 T-19-0682 저자명 : B. Chu, C. Chen, J. Li, X. Chen, Y. Li, W. Tang, L. Jin and Y. Zhang 논문명 : Effects of Tibetan turnip (Brassica rapa L.) on promoting hypoxia-tolerance in healthy humans 2017
12497 T-19-0680 저자명 : M. D. Cetner, H. M. Kalaji, V. Goltsev, V. Aleksandrov, K. Kowalczyk, W. Borucki and A. Jajoo 논문명 : Effects of nitrogen-deficiency on efficiency of light-harvesting apparatus in radish 2017
12496 T-19-0665 저자명 : Y. J. Park, C. Moon, J. H. Kang and T. J. Choi 논문명 : Antiviral effects of extracts from Celosia cristata and Raphanus sativus roots against viral hemorrhagic septicemia virus 2017
12495 T-19-0655 저자명 : A. Guhr, M. A. Horn and A. R. Weig 논문명 : Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) increases drought tolerance of Agaricus bisporus 2017