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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11334 T-18-0246 저자명 : Onion D, Argent RH, Reece-Smith AM, Craze ML, Pineda RG, Clarke PA, Ratan HL, Parsons SL, Lobo DN, Duffy JP, Atherton JC, McKenzie AJ, Kumari R, King P, Hall BM, Grabowska AM. 논문명 : 3-Dimensional Patient-Derived Lung Cancer Assays Reveal Resistance to Standards-of-Care Promoted by Stromal Cells but Sensitivity to Histone Deacetylase Inhibitors. 2016
11333 T-18-0245 저자명 : Leong SY, Oey I, Burritt DJ. 논문명 : Pulsed electric field improves the bioprotective capacity of pur챕es for different coloured carrot cultivars against H2O2-induced oxidative damage. 2016
11332 T-18-0244 저자명 : Moreno JC, Cerda A, Simpson K, Lopez-Diaz I, Carrera E, Handford M, Stange C. 논문명 : Increased Nicotiana tabacum fitness through positive regulation of carotenoid, gibberellin and chlorophyll pathways promoted by Daucus carota lycopene 棺-cyclase (Dclcyb1) expression. 2016
11331 T-18-0243 저자명 : Li X, Zhang Y, Yuan Y, Sun Y, Qin Y, Deng Z, Li H. 논문명 : Protective Effects of Selenium, Vitamin E, and Purple Carrot Anthocyanins on D-Galactose-Induced Oxidative Damage in Blood, Liver, Heart and Kidney Rats. 2016
11330 T-18-0242 저자명 : Istrati D, Lacatusu I, Bordei N, Badea G, Oprea O, Stefan LM, Stan R, Badea N, Meghea A. 논문명 : Phyto-mediated nanostructured carriers based on dual vegetable actives involved in the prevention of cellular damage. 2016
11329 T-18-0241 저자명 : Tanaka H, Tomoto T, Sugawara J. 논문명 : A week of Danjiki (Buddhist fasting ritual) on cardiometabolic health: a case report. 2016
11328 T-18-0240 저자명 : Taleb RI, Najm P, Shebaby W, Boulos JC, Demirdjian S, Hariri E, El-Sibai M, Daher C, Mroueh M. 논문명 : 棺-2-himachalen-6-ol: A novel anticancer sesquiterpene unique to the Lebanese wild carrot. 2016
11327 T-18-0239 저자명 : Gannon BM, Pungarcher I, Mourao L, Davis CR, Simon P, Pixley KV, Tanumihardjo SA. 논문명 : 13C Natural Abundance of Serum Retinol Is a Novel Biomarker for Evaluating Provitamin A Carotenoid-Biofortified Maize Consumption in Male Mongolian Gerbils. 2016
11326 T-18-0238 저자명 : Mahesh M, Bharathi M, Raja Gopal Reddy M, Pappu P, Putcha UK, Vajreswari A, Jeyakumar SM. 논문명 : Carrot juice ingestion attenuates high fructose-induced circulatory pro-inflammatory mediators in weanling Wistar rats. 2016
11325 T-18-0237 저자명 : Malekzadeh E, Aliasgharzad N, Majidi J, Aghebati-Maleki L, Abdolalizadeh J. 논문명 : Cd-induced production of glomalin by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Rhizophagus irregularis) as estimated by monoclonal antibody assay. 2016