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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11394 T-18-0307 저자명 : Ali SI, Alhusseini NF, Atteia HH, Idris RA, Hasan RA. 논문명 : Renoprotective effect of a combination of garlic and telmisartan against ischemia/reperfusion-induced kidney injury in obese rats. 2016
11393 T-18-0306 저자명 : Ugwuja EI, Erejuwa OO, Ugwu NC. 논문명 : Spices Mixture Containing Garlic, Ginger and Nutmeg Has Protective Effects on the Kidneys and Liver of Cadmium Exposed Rats. 2016
11392 T-18-0305 저자명 : Kim HK. 논문명 : Protective Effect of Garlic on Cellular Senescence in UVB-Exposed HaCaT Human Keratinocytes. 2016
11391 T-18-0304 저자명 : Mohamed EH, Baiomy AA, Ibrahim ZS, Soliman MM. 논문명 : Modulatory effects of levamisole and garlic oil on the immune response of Wistar rats: Biochemical, immunohistochemical, molecular and immunological study. 2016
11390 T-18-0303 저자명 : Ghorbani Z, Hajizadeh M, Hekmatdoost A. 논문명 : Dietary supplementation in patients with alcoholic liver disease: a review on current evidence. 2016
11389 T-18-0302 저자명 : Venkataiah V, Vickram, Thirumalarao KR, Raiker VG, Puttaswamy SH. 논문명 : Effects of Diaceto-Dipropyl-Disulphide on Plasma Sialic Acid and Renal Tissue Thiol Levels in Alloxan Diabetic Rats. 2016
11388 T-18-0301 저자명 : Bombicz M, Priksz D, Varga B, Gesztelyi R, Kertesz A, Lengyel P, Balogh P, Csupor D, Hohmann J, Bhattoa HP, Haines DD, Juhasz B. 논문명 : Anti-Atherogenic Properties of Allium ursinum Liophylisate: Impact on Lipoprotein Homeostasis and Cardiac Biomarkers in Hypercholesterolemic Rabbits. 2016
11387 T-18-0300 저자명 : Siddiqi MK, Alam P, Chaturvedi SK, Khan RH. 논문명 : Anti-amyloidogenic behavior and interaction of Diallylsulfide with Human Serum Albumin. 2016
11386 T-18-0299 저자명 : Myasoedova VA, Kirichenko TV, Melnichenko AA, Orekhova VA, Ravani A, Poggio P, Sobenin IA, Bobryshev YV, Orekhov AN. 논문명 : Anti-Atherosclerotic Effects of a Phytoestrogen-Rich Herbal Preparation in Postmenopausal Women. 2016
11385 T-18-0298 저자명 : Baraya YU, Wong KK, Yaacob NS. 논문명 : The Immunomodulatory Potential of Selected Bioactive Plant-Based Compounds in Breast Cancer: A Review. 2016