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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11374 T-18-0287 저자명 : Moutia M, Seghrouchni F, Abouelazz O, Elouaddari A, Al Jahid A, Elhou A, Nadifi S, Jamal Eddine J, Habti N, Badou A. 논문명 : Allium sativum L. regulates in vitro IL-17 gene expression in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. 2016
11373 T-18-0286 저자명 : Moustafa GG, Hussein MM. 논문명 : New insight on using aged garlic extract against toxic impacts of titanium dioxide bulk salt triggers inflammatory and fibrotic cascades in male rats. 2016
11372 T-18-0285 저자명 : Sahoo M, Jena L, Rath SN, Kumar S. 논문명 : Identification of Suitable Natural Inhibitor against Influenza A (H1N1) Neuraminidase Protein by Molecular Docking. 2016
11371 T-18-0284 저자명 : Song H, Lu Y, Qu Z, Mossine VV, Martin MB, Hou J, Cui J, Peculis BA, Mawhinney TP, Cheng J, Greenlief CM, Fritsche K, Schmidt FJ, Walter RB, Lubahn DB, Sun GY, Gu Z. 논문명 : Effects of aged garlic extract and FruArg on gene expression and signaling pathways in lipopolysaccharide-activated microglial cells. 2016
11370 T-18-0283 저자명 : Ciocci M, Iorio E, Carotenuto F, Khashoggi HA, Nanni F, Melino S. 논문명 : H2S-releasing nanoemulsions: a new formulation to inhibit tumor cells proliferation and improve tissue repair. 2016
11369 T-18-0282 저자명 : Kim HN, Kang SG, Roh YK, Choi MK, Song SW. 논문명 : Efficacy and safety of fermented garlic extract on hepatic function in adults with elevated serum gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase levels: a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 2016
11368 T-18-0281 저자명 : Alali FQ, El-Elimat T, Khalid L, Hudaib R, Al-Shehabi TS, Eid AH. 논문명 : Garlic for Cardiovascular Disease: Prevention or Treatment? 2016
11367 T-18-0280 저자명 : Schwarzlin R, Pu큄enjak N, Makuc D, Kri탑man M, Vovk I, Plavec J, 힋vajger U. 논문명 : Synergistic complex from plants Solanaceae exhibits cytotoxicity for the human hepatocellular carcinoma cell line HepG2. 2016
11366 T-18-0279 저자명 : Kumar D, Trivedi N, Dixit RK. 논문명 : Evaluation of the synergistic effect of Allium sativum, Eugenia jambolana, Momordica charantia, Ocimum sanctum, and Psidium guajava on hepatic and intestinal drug metabolizing enzymes in rats. 2016
11365 T-18-0278 저자명 : Sangi SM. 논문명 : Potential Therapeutic Agents for the Treatment of Fatty Degeneration of Liver and Atheromatous Plaques: An Experimental Study in Rats. 2016