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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
11294 T-18-0206 저자명 : Grzybek M, Kukula-Koch W, Strachecka A, Jaworska A, Phiri AM, Paleolog J, Tomczuk K. 논문명 : Evaluation of Anthelmintic Activity and Composition of Pumpkin (Cucurbita pepo L.) Seed Extracts-In Vitro and in Vivo Studies. 2016
11293 T-18-0205 저자명 : Shu S, Gao P, Li L, Yuan Y, Sun J, Guo S. 논문명 : Abscisic Acid-Induced H(2)O(2) Accumulation Enhances Antioxidant Capacity in Pumpkin-Grafted Cucumber Leaves under Ca(NO(3))(2) Stress. 2016
11292 T-18-0204 저자명 : Mozafari N, Badr P. 논문명 : The Introduction of Submitted Approaches in Iranian Traditional Medicine for Treatment of Diabetes. 2016
11291 T-18-0203 저자명 : Fortis-Barrera 횁, Garc챠a-Macedo R, Almanza-Perez JC, Blancas-Flores G, Zamilpa-Alvarez A, Flores-S찼enz JL, Cruz M, Rom찼n-Ramos R, Alarc처n-Aguilar FJ. 논문명 : Cucurbita ficifolia (Cucurbitaceae) modulates inflammatory cytokines and IFN-款 in obese mice. 2016
11290 T-18-0202 저자명 : Li L, Shu S, Xu Q, An YH, Sun J, Guo SR. 논문명 : NO accumulation alleviates H(2) O(2) -dependent oxidative damage induced by Ca(NO(3) )(2) stress in the leaves of pumpkin-grafted cucumber seedlings. 2016
11289 T-18-0201 저자명 : Han YK, Kim YS, Natarajan SB, Kim WS, Hwang JW, Jeon NJ, Jeong JH, Moon SH, Jeon BT, Park PJ. 논문명 : Antioxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Chaenomeles sinensis Leaf Extracts on LPS-Stimulated RAW 264.7 Cells. 2016
11288 T-18-0200 저자명 : Lee DS, Ko W, Song BK, Son I, Kim DW, Kang DG, Lee HS, Oh H, Jang JH, Kim YC, Kim S. 논문명 : The herbal extract KCHO-1 exerts a neuroprotective effect by ameliorating oxidative stress via heme oxygenase-1 upregulation. 2016
11287 T-18-0199 저자명 : Lam CT, Chan PH, Lee PS, Lau KM, Kong AY, Gong AG, Xu ML, Lam KY, Dong TT, Lin H, Tsim KW. 논문명 : Chemical and biological assessment of Jujube (Ziziphus jujuba)-containing herbal decoctions: Induction of erythropoietin expression in cultures. 2016
11286 T-18-0198 저자명 : Chen J, Lam CT, Li Z, Yao P, Lin H, Dong TT, Tsim KW. 논문명 : Extract of Ziziphus jujuba Fruit (Jujube) Stimulates Expression of Enzymes Responsible for Heme Recycle via Anti-oxidant Response Element in Cultured Murine Macrophages. 2016
11285 T-18-0197 저자명 : Yu ZP, Xu DD, Lu LF, Zheng XD, Chen W. 논문명 : Immunomodulatory effect of a formula developed from American ginseng and Chinese jujube extracts in mice. 2016