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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2334 T-17-1313 저자명 : Ennouri M, Fetoui H, Bourret E, Zeghal N, Guermazi F, Attia H. 논문명 : Evaluation of some biological parameters of Opuntia ficus indica. 2. Influence of seed supplemented diet on rats. 2006
2333 T-17-1312 저자명 : Cho JY, Park SC, Kim TW, Kim KS, Song JC, Kim SK, Lee HM, Sung HJ, Park HJ, Song YB, Yoo ES, Lee CH, Rhee MH. 논문명 : Radical scavenging and anti-inflammatory activity of extracts from Opuntia humifusa Raf. 2006
2332 T-17-1311 저자명 : V찼zquez-Ram챠rez R, Olgu챠n-Mart챠nez M, Kubli-Garfias C, Hern찼ndez-Mu챰oz R. 논문명 : Reversing gastric mucosal alterations during ethanol-induced chronic gastritis in rats by oral administration of Opuntia ficus-indica mucilage. 2006
2331 T-17-1174 저자명 : Lin JY, Lu S, Liou YL, Liou HL. 논문명 : Increased IgA and IgG serum levels using a novel yam-boxthorn noodle in a BALB/c mouse model. 2006
2330 T-17-1173 저자명 : Chen GL, Wei W, Xu SY. 논문명 : Effect and mechanism of total saponin of Dioscorea on animal experimental hyperuricemia. 2006
2329 T-17-1172 저자명 : Wang G, Chen H, Huang M, Wang N, Zhang J, Zhang Y, Bai G, Fong WF, Yang M, Yao X. 논문명 : Methyl protodioscin induces G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in HepG2 liver cancer cells. 2006
2328 T-17-1171 저자명 : McAnuff-Harding MA, Omoruyi FO, Asemota HN. 논문명 : Intestinal disaccharidases and some renal enzymes in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats fed sapogenin extract from bitter yam (Dioscorea polygonoides). 2006
2327 T-17-1170 저자명 : Lee CL, Wang JJ, Kuo SL, Pan TM. 논문명 : Monascus fermentation of dioscorea for increasing the production of cholesterol-lowering agent--monacolin K and antiinflammation agent--monascin. 2006
2326 T-17-1169 저자명 : Jeon JR, Lee JS, Lee CH, Kim JY, Kim SD, Nam DH. 논문명 : Effect of ethanol extract of dried Chinese yam (Dioscorea batatas) flour containing dioscin on gastrointestinal function in rat model. 2006
2325 T-17-1168 저자명 : Park SW, Lee CH, Shin DH, Bang NS, Lee SM. 논문명 : Effect of SA1, a herbal formulation, on sexual behavior and penile erection. 2006