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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2344 T-17-1906 저자명 : Boban PT, Nambisan B, Sudhakaran PR. 논문명 : Hypolipidaemic effect of chemically different mucilages in rats: a comparative study. 2006
2343 T-17-1833 저자명 : Zhang S, Ji G, Liu J. 논문명 : Reversal of chemical-induced liver fibrosis in Wistar rats by puerarin. 2006
2342 T-17-1796 저자명 : Krylova SG, Efimova LA, Vymiatina ZK, Zueva EP. 논문명 : [The effect of cichorium root extract on the morphofunctional state of liver in rats with carbon tetrachloride induced hepatitis model]. 2006
2341 T-17-1681 저자명 : Korotkich I, Senikiene Z, Simoniene G, Lazauskas R, Laukeviciene A, Kevelaitis E. 논문명 : Inotropic and lusitropic effects of Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton extract on the rabbit myocardium. 2006
2340 T-17-1680 저자명 : Xu Z, Deng X, Men J, Feng X, Lu Z, Yang Q, Yao B. 논문명 : [Effects of extracts from different parts of Folium perillae (L.) Britt. on Hemorrheological parameters in rats]. 2006
2339 T-17-1610 저자명 : Lu HM, Liang YZ, Yi LZ, Wu XJ. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effect of Houttuynia cordata injection. 2006
2338 T-17-1545 저자명 : Terada S, Ito K, Yoshimura A, Noguchi N, Ishida T. 논문명 : [Constituents relating to anti-oxidative and alpha-glucosidase inhibitory activities in Yacon aerial part extract]. 2006
2337 T-17-1511 저자명 : Nemat Alla MM, Hassan NM. 논문명 : Changes of antioxidants levels in two maize lines following atrazine treatments. 2006
2336 T-17-1496 저자명 : Iqbal MP, Kazim SF, Mehboobali N. 논문명 : Ascorbic acid contents of Pakistani fruits and vegetables. 2006
2335 T-17-1317 저자명 : Ennouri M, Fetoui H, Bourret E, Zeghal N, Attia H. 논문명 : Evaluation of some biological parameters of Opuntia ficus indica. 1. Influence of a seed oil supplemented diet on rats. 2006