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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2864 T-17-0611 저자명 : Hachiya S, Kawabata F, Ohnuki K, Inoue N, Yoneda H, Yazawa S, Fushiki T. 논문명 : Effects of CH-19 Sweet, a non-pungent cultivar of red pepper, on sympathetic nervous activity, body temperature, heart rate, and blood pressure in humans. 2007
2863 T-17-0610 저자명 : [No authors listed] 논문명 : Final report on the safety assessment of capsicum annuum extract, capsicum annuum fruit extract, capsicum annuum resin, capsicum annuum fruit powder, capsicum frutescens fruit, capsicum frutescens fruit extract, capsicum frutescens resin, and capsaicin. 2007
2862 T-17-0609 저자명 : Alevizos A, Mihas C, Mariolis A, Larios G. 논문명 : Insulin secretion and capsaicin. 2007
2861 T-17-0608 저자명 : Herrmann DN, Bromberg MB. 논문명 : Chili peppers, nerve regeneration, and clinical trial design. 2007
2860 T-17-0607 저자명 : Kang JH, Kim CS, Han IS, Kawada T, Yu R. 논문명 : Capsaicin, a spicy component of hot peppers, modulates adipokine gene expression and protein release from obese-mouse adipose tissues and isolated adipocytes, and suppresses the inflammatory responses of adipose tissue macrophages. 2007
2859 T-17-0606 저자명 : Lee IO, Lee KH, Pyo JH, Kim JH, Choi YJ, Lee YC. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effect of capsaicin in Helicobacter pylori-infected gastric epithelial cells. 2007
2858 T-17-0465 저자명 : Choi EM. 논문명 : Ligularia fischeri leaf extract prevents the oxidative stress in DBA/1J mice with type II collagen-induced arthritis. 2007
2857 T-17-0422 저자명 : Thejass P, Kuttan G. 논문명 : Immunomodulatory activity of Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring isothiocyanate from broccoli (Brassica oleracea). 2007
2856 T-17-0421 저자명 : Myzak MC, Tong P, Dashwood WM, Dashwood RH, Ho E. 논문명 : Sulforaphane retards the growth of human PC-3 xenografts and inhibits HDAC activity in human subjects. 2007
2855 T-17-0419 저자명 : Dashwood RH, Ho E. 논문명 : Dietary histone deacetylase inhibitors: from cells to mice to man. 2007