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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2984 T-17-3698 저자명 : Luo H, Lin S, Ren F, Wu L, Chen L, Sun Y. 논문명 : Antioxidant and antimicrobial capacity of Chinese medicinal herb extracts in raw sheep meat. 2007
2983 T-17-3697 저자명 : Park YS, Yoon Y, Ahn HS. 논문명 : Platycodon grandiflorum extract represses up-regulated adipocyte fatty acid binding protein triggered by a high fat feeding in obese rats. 2007
2982 T-17-3600 저자명 : Kim JW, Kwon OY, Kim MH. 논문명 : Differentially expressed genes and morphological changes during lengthened immobilization in rat soleus muscle. 2007
2981 T-17-3545 저자명 : Kick J, Hauser B, Bracht H, Albicini M, Oter S, Simon F, Ehrmann U, Garrel C, Str채ter J, Br체ckner UB, Leverve XM, Schelzig H, Speit G, Radermacher P, Muth CM. 논문명 : Effects of a cantaloupe melon extract/wheat gliadin biopolymer during aortic cross-clamping. 2007
2980 T-17-3434 저자명 : Kweon MH, Afaq F, Bhat KM, Setaluri V, Mukhtar H. 논문명 : A novel antioxidant 3-O-Caffeoyl-1-methylquinic acid enhances ultraviolet A-mediated apoptosis in immortalized HaCaT keratinocytes via Sp1-dependent transcriptional activation of p21(WAF1/Cip1). 2007
2979 T-17-3433 저자명 : Park HS, Lim JH, Kim HJ, Choi HJ, Lee IS. 논문명 : Antioxidant flavone glycosides from the leaves of Sasa borealis. 2007
2978 T-17-3432 저자명 : Jung SH, Lee JM, Lee HJ, Kim CY, Lee EH, Um BH. 논문명 : Aldose reductase and advanced glycation endproducts inhibitory effect of Phyllostachys nigra. 2007
2977 T-17-3431 저자명 : Ito Y, Akao Y, Shimazawa M, Seki N, Nozawa Y, Hara H. 논문명 : Lig-8, a highly bioactive lignophenol derivative from bamboo lignin, exhibits multifaceted neuroprotective activity. 2007
2976 T-17-3329 저자명 : Panossian A, Hambardzumyan M, Hovhanissyan A, Wikman G. 논문명 : The adaptogens rhodiola and schizandra modify the response to immobilization stress in rabbits by suppressing the increase of phosphorylated stress-activated protein kinase, nitric oxide and cortisol. 2007
2975 T-17-3328 저자명 : Jung CH, Hong MH, Kim JH, Lee JY, Ko SG, Cho K, Seog HM. 논문명 : Protective effect of a phenolic-rich fraction from Schisandra chinensis against H2O2-induced apoptosis in SH-SY5Y cells. 2007