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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
2994 T-17-3902 저자명 : F. Di Mario, L. G. Cavallaro, A. Nouvenne, N. Stefani, G. M. Cavestro, V. Iori, M. Maino, G. Comparato, L. Fanigliulo, E. Morana, A. Pilotto, L. Martelli, M. Martelli, G. Leandro and A. Franze 논문명 : A curcumin-based 1-week triple therapy for eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection: something to learn from failure? 2007
2993 T-17-3897 저자명 : J. M. Davis, E. A. Murphy, M. D. Carmichael, M. R. Zielinski, C. M. Groschwitz, A. S. Brown, J. D. Gangemi, A. Ghaffar and E. P. Mayer 논문명 : Curcumin effects on inflammation and performance recovery following eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage 2007
2992 T-17-3871 저자명 : J. Cao, L. P. Jiang, Y. Liu, G. Yang, X. F. Yao and L. F. Zhong 논문명 : Curcumin-induced genotoxicity and antigenotoxicity in HepG2 cells 2007
2991 T-17-3868 저자명 : R. Bruck, M. Ashkenazi, S. Weiss, I. Goldiner, H. Shapiro, H. Aeed, O. Genina, Z. Helpern and M. Pines 논문명 : Prevention of liver cirrhosis in rats by curcumin 2007
2990 T-17-3858 저자명 : L. Baum, S. K. Cheung, V. C. Mok, L. C. Lam, V. P. Leung, E. Hui, C. C. Ng, M. Chow, P. C. Ho, S. Lam, J. Woo, H. F. Chiu, W. Goggins, B. Zee, A. Wong, H. Mok, W. K. Cheng, C. Fong, J. S. Lee, M. H. Chan, S. S. Szeto, V. W. Lui, J. Tsoh, T. C. Kwok, I. H. Chan and C. W. Lam 논문명 : Curcumin effects on blood lipid profile in a 6-month human study 2007
2989 T-17-3837 저자명 : P. Anand, A. B. Kunnumakkara, R. A. Newman and B. B. Aggarwal 논문명 : Bioavailability of curcumin: problems and promises 2007
2988 T-17-3822 저자명 : B. B. Aggarwal, C. Sundaram, N. Malani and H. Ichikawa 논문명 : Curcumin: the Indian solid gold 2007
2987 T-17-3777 저자명 : Ghanta S, Banerjee A, Poddar A, Chattopadhyay S. 논문명 : Oxidative DNA damage preventive activity and antioxidant potential of Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni, a natural sweetener. 2007
2986 T-17-3700 저자명 : Zheng J, He J, Ji B, Li Y, Zhang X. 논문명 : Antihyperglycemic effects of Platycodon grandiflorum (Jacq.) A. DC. extract on streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice. 2007
2985 T-17-3699 저자명 : Kim HK, Kim DS, Cho HY. 논문명 : Protective effects of Platycodi radix on alcohol-induced fatty liver. 2007