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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3564 T-17-2925 저자명 : Yoo HJ, Kang HJ, Jung HJ, Kim K, Lim CJ, Park EH. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory, anti-angiogenic and anti-nociceptive activities of Saururus chinensis extract. 2008
3563 T-17-2861 저자명 : Yang KL, Chang WT, Chuang CC, Hung KC, Li EI. 논문명 : Antagonizing TGF-beta induced liver fibrosis by a retinoic acid derivative through regulation of ROS and calcium influx. 2008
3562 T-17-2860 저자명 : Sliva D, Jedinak A, Kawasaki J, Harvey K, Slivova V. 논문명 : Phellinus linteus suppresses growth, angiogenesis and invasive behaviour of breast cancer cells through the inhibition of AKT signalling. 2008
3561 T-17-2859 저자명 : Yang KL, Chang WT, Hung KC, Li EI, Chuang CC. 논문명 : Inhibition of transforming growth factor-beta-induced liver fibrosis by a retinoic acid derivative via the suppression of Col 1A2 promoter activity. 2008
3560 T-17-2858 저자명 : Ra Yoon M, Hyun Nam S, Young Kang M. 논문명 : Antioxidative and antimutagenic activities of 70% ethanolic extracts from four fungal mycelia-fermented specialty rices. 2008
3559 T-17-2788 저자명 : Ling S, Nheu L, Dai A, Guo Z, Komesaroff P. 논문명 : Effects of four medicinal herbs on human vascular endothelial cells in culture. 2008
3558 T-17-2722 저자명 : Chen J, Li WL, Wu JL, Ren BR, Zhang HQ. 논문명 : Hypoglycemic effects of a sesquiterpene glycoside isolated from leaves of loquat (Eriobotrya japonica (Thunb.) Lindl.). 2008
3557 T-17-2718 저자명 : Takuma D, Guangchen S, Yokota J, Hamada A, Onogawa M, Yoshioka S, Kusunose M, Miyamura M, Kyotani S, Nishioka Y. 논문명 : Effect of Eriobotrya japonica seed extract on 5-fluorouracil-induced mucositis in hamsters. 2008
3556 T-17-2717 저자명 : Tanaka K, Nishizono S, Makino N, Tamaru S, Terai O, Ikeda I. 논문명 : Hypoglycemic activity of Eriobotrya japonica seeds in type 2 diabetic rats and mice. 2008
3555 T-17-2716 저자명 : Yokota J, Takuma D, Hamada A, Onogawa M, Yoshioka S, Kusunose M, Miyamura M, Kyotani S, Nishioka Y. 논문명 : Gastroprotective activity of Eriobotrya japonica seed extract on experimentally induced gastric lesions in rats. 2008