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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3604 T-17-3695 저자명 : Lee KJ, Choi JH, Kim HG, Han EH, Hwang YP, Lee YC, Chung YC, Jeong HG. 논문명 : Protective effect of saponins derived from the roots of Platycodon grandiflorum against carbon tetrachloride induced hepatotoxicity in mice. 2008
3603 T-17-3694 저자명 : Kim MO, Moon DO, Choi YH, Lee JD, Kim ND, Kim GY. 논문명 : Platycodin D induces mitotic arrest in vitro, leading to endoreduplication, inhibition of proliferation and apoptosis in leukemia cells. 2008
3602 T-17-3693 저자명 : Xie Y, Ye YP, Sun HX, Li D. 논문명 : Contribution of the glycidic moieties to the haemolytic and adjuvant activity of platycodigenin-type saponins from the root of Platycodon grandiflorum. 2008
3601 T-17-3692 저자명 : Choi YH, Kim YS, Yeo SJ, Roh SH, Jeong YC, Kang JS, Ryu SY. 논문명 : Ameliorating effect of balloon flower saponin on the ethanol-induced memory impairment in mice. 2008
3600 T-17-3691 저자명 : Xie Y, Pan H, Sun H, Li D. 논문명 : A promising balanced Th1 and Th2 directing immunological adjuvant, saponins from the root of Platycodon grandiflorum. 2008
3599 T-17-3690 저자명 : Xie Y, Deng W, Sun H, Li D. 논문명 : Platycodin D2 is a potential less hemolytic saponin adjuvant eliciting Th1 and Th2 immune responses. 2008
3598 T-17-3687 저자명 : Kim JY, Park KW, Moon KD, Lee MK, Choi J, Yee ST, Shim KH, Seo KI. 논문명 : Induction of apoptosis in HT-29 colon cancer cells by crude saponin from Platycodi Radix. 2008
3597 T-17-3686 저자명 : Zhao HL, Harding SV, Marinangeli CP, Kim YS, Jones PJ. 논문명 : Hypocholesterolemic and anti-obesity effects of saponins from Platycodon grandiflorum in hamsters fed atherogenic diets. 2008
3596 T-17-3543 저자명 : Nerurkar PV, Lee YK, Motosue M, Adeli K, Nerurkar VR. 논문명 : Momordica charantia (bitter melon) reduces plasma apolipoprotein B-100 and increases hepatic insulin receptor substrate and phosphoinositide-3 kinase interactions. 2008
3595 T-17-3542 저자명 : Tan MJ, Ye JM, Turner N, Hohnen-Behrens C, Ke CQ, Tang CP, Chen T, Weiss HC, Gesing ER, Rowland A, James DE, Ye Y. 논문명 : Antidiabetic activities of triterpenoids isolated from bitter melon associated with activation of the AMPK pathway. 2008