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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3634 T-17-4253 저자명 : M. Rastogi, R. P. Ojha, G. V. Rajamanickam, A. Agrawal, A. Aggarwal and G. P. Dubey 논문명 : Curcuminoids modulates oxidative damage and mitochondrial dysfunction in diabetic rat brain 2008
3633 T-17-4237 저자명 : G. Ragupathi, K. S. Yeung, P. C. Leung, M. Lee, C. B. Lau, A. Vickers, C. Hood, G. Deng, N. K. Cheung, B. Cassileth and P. Livingston 논문명 : Evaluation of widely consumed botanicals as immunological adjuvants 2008
3632 T-17-4206 저자명 : H. D. Panchal, K. Vranizan, C. Y. Lee, J. Ho, J. Ngai and P. S. Timiras 논문명 : Early anti-oxidative and anti-proliferative curcumin effects on neuroglioma cells suggest therapeutic targets 2008
3631 T-17-4189 저자명 : S. Oh, T. W. Kyung and H. S. Choi 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits osteoclastogenesis by decreasing receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappaB ligand (RANKL) in bone marrow stromal cells 2008
3630 T-17-4164 저자명 : P. Murugan, L. Pari and C. A. Rao 논문명 : Effect of tetrahydrocurcumin on insulin receptor status in type 2 diabetic rats: studies on insulin binding to erythrocytes 2008
3629 T-17-4155 저자명 : T. Morimoto, Y. Sunagawa, T. Kawamura, T. Takaya, H. Wada, A. Nagasawa, M. Komeda, M. Fujita, A. Shimatsu, T. Kita and K. Hasegawa 논문명 : The dietary compound curcumin inhibits p300 histone acetyltransferase activity and prevents heart failure in rats 2008
3628 T-17-4081 저자명 : H. L. Li, C. Liu, G. de Couto, M. Ouzounian, M. Sun, A. B. Wang, Y. Huang, C. W. He, Y. Shi, X. Chen, M. P. Nghiem, Y. Liu, M. Chen, F. Dawood, M. Fukuoka, Y. Maekawa, L. Zhang, A. Leask, A. K. Ghosh, L. A. Kirshenbaum and P. P. Liu 논문명 : Curcumin prevents and reverses murine cardiac hypertrophy 2008
3627 T-17-4058 저자명 : S. B. Kutluay, J. Doroghazi, M. E. Roemer and S. J. Triezenberg 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits herpes simplex virus immediate-early gene expression by a mechanism independent of p300/CBP histone acetyltransferase activity 2008
3626 T-17-4050 저자명 : A. B. Kunnumakkara, P. Diagaradjane, S. Guha, A. Deorukhkar, S. Shentu, B. B. Aggarwal and S. Krishnan 논문명 : Curcumin sensitizes human colorectal cancer xenografts in nude mice to gamma-radiation by targeting nuclear factor-kappaB-regulated gene products 2008
3625 T-17-4041 저자명 : A. Kumar and A. Singh 논문명 : Possible nitric oxide modulation in protective effect of (Curcuma longa, Zingiberaceae) against sleep deprivation-induced behavioral alterations and oxidative damage in mice 2008