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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
3664 T-17-4865 저자명 : Devareddy L, Hooshmand S, Collins JK, Lucas EA, Chai SC, Arjmandi BH. 논문명 : Blueberry prevents bone loss in ovariectomized rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis. 2008
3663 T-17-4863 저자명 : Aiyer HS, Srinivasan C, Gupta RC. 논문명 : Dietary berries and ellagic acid diminish estrogen-mediated mammary tumorigenesis in ACI rats. 2008
3662 T-17-4862 저자명 : Pageon H, T챕cher MP, Asselineau D. 논문명 : Reconstructed skin modified by glycation of the dermal equivalent as a model for skin aging and its potential use to evaluate anti-glycation molecules. 2008
3661 T-17-4861 저자명 : Nagao K, Higa K, Shirouchi B, Nomura S, Inoue N, Inafuku M, Yanagita T. 논문명 : Effect of Vaccinium ashei reade leaves on lipid metabolism in Otsuka Long-Evans Tokushima Fatty rats. 2008
3660 T-17-4860 저자명 : Somerset SM, Johannot L. 논문명 : Dietary flavonoid sources in Australian adults. 2008
3659 T-17-4859 저자명 : Bacchetta J, Douvillez B, Warin L, Girard S, Pag챔s MP, Rebaud P, Bertrand Y. 논문명 : [Blueberry Muffin Baby and spontaneous remission of neonatal leukaemia]. 2008
3658 T-17-4858 저자명 : Magari챰os HL, Sahr C, Selaive SD, Costa ME, Figuerola FE, Pizarro OA. 논문명 : In vitro inhibitory effect of cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpom Ait.) juice on pathogenic microorganisms. 2008
3657 T-17-4856 저자명 : Shukitt-Hale B, Lau FC, Carey AN, Galli RL, Spangler EL, Ingram DK, Joseph JA. 논문명 : Blueberry polyphenols attenuate kainic acid-induced decrements in cognition and alter inflammatory gene expression in rat hippocampus. 2008
3656 T-17-4855 저자명 : Wolfe KL, Kang X, He X, Dong M, Zhang Q, Liu RH. 논문명 : Cellular antioxidant activity of common fruits. 2008
3655 T-17-4852 저자명 : Saruwatari A, Isshiki M, Tamura H. 논문명 : Inhibitory effects of various beverages on the sulfoconjugation of 17beta-estradiol in human colon carcinoma Caco-2 cells. 2008