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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4054 T-17-0015 저자명 : Shin DY, Lee WS, Lu JN, Kang MH, Ryu CH, Kim GY, Kang HS, Shin SC, Choi YH. 논문명 : Induction of apoptosis in human colon cancer HCT-116 cells by anthocyanins through suppression of Akt and activation of p38-MAPK. 2009
4053 T-14-1784 저자명 : Demrkol O. 논문명 : Effects of hydrogen peroxide treatment on thiol contents in fresh-cut asparagus (Asparagus officinalis) spears. 2009
4052 T-14-1783 저자명 : Lee do Y, Choo BK, Yoon T, Cheon MS, Lee HW, Lee AY, Kim HK. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effects of Asparagus cochinchinensis extract in acute and chronic cutaneous inflammation. 2009
4051 T-14-1782 저자명 : Singh GK, Garabadu D, Muruganandam AV, Joshi VK, Krishnamurthy S. 논문명 : Antidepressant activity of Asparagus racemosus in rodent models. 2009
4050 T-14-1778 저자명 : Gautam M, Saha S, Bani S, Kaul A, Mishra S, Patil D, Satti NK, Suri KA, Gairola S, Suresh K, Jadhav S, Qazi GN, Patwardhan B. 논문명 : Immunomodulatory activity of Asparagus racemosus on systemic Th1/Th2 immunity: implications for immunoadjuvant potential. 2009
4049 T-14-1777 저자명 : Thakur M, Chauhan NS, Bhargava S, Dixit VK. 논문명 : A comparative study on aphrodisiac activity of some ayurvedic herbs in male albino rats. 2009
4048 T-14-1776 저자명 : Liu W, Huang XF, Qi Q, Dai QS, Yang L, Nie FF, Lu N, Gong DD, Kong LY, Guo QL. 논문명 : Asparanin A induces G(2)/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human hepatocellular carcinoma HepG2 cells. 2009
4047 T-14-1775 저자명 : Chrubasik S, Droste C, Black A. 논문명 : Asparagus P(R) cannot compete with first-line diuretics in lowering the blood pressure in treatment-requiring antihypertensives. 2009
4046 T-14-1774 저자명 : Kigondu EV, Rukunga GM, Keriko JM, Tonui WK, Gathirwa JW, Kirira PG, Irungu B, Ingonga JM, Ndiege IO. 논문명 : Anti-parasitic activity and cytotoxicity of selected medicinal plants from Kenya. 2009
4045 T-14-1773 저자명 : Kim BY, Cui ZG, Lee SR, Kim SJ, Kang HK, Lee YK, Park DB. 논문명 : Effects of Asparagus officinalis extracts on liver cell toxicity and ethanol metabolism. 2009