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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
4744 T-14-1680 저자명 : Peng Y, Sun J, Hon S, Nylander AN, Xia W, Feng Y, Wang X, Lemere CA. 논문명 : L-3-n-butylphthalide improves cognitive impairment and reduces amyloid-beta in a transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease. 2010
4743 T-14-1679 저자명 : Al-Howiriny T, Alsheikh A, Alqasoumi S, Al-Yahya M, ElTahir K, Rafatullah S. 논문명 : Gastric antiulcer, antisecretory and cytoprotective properties of celery (Apium graveolens) in rats. 2010
4742 T-14-1660 저자명 : Nayak BS, Ramdath DD, Marshall JR, Isitor GN, Eversley M, Xue S, Shi J. 논문명 : Wound-healing activity of the skin of the common grape (Vitis Vinifera) variant, Cabernet Sauvignon. 2010
4741 T-14-1659 저자명 : Petrussa E, Braidot E, Zancani M, Peresson C, Bertolini A, Patui S, Casolo V, Passamonti S, Macr챙 F, Vianello A. 논문명 : Immunohistochemical localisation of a putative flavonoid transporter in grape berries. 2010
4740 T-14-1646 저자명 : Hayashi K, Narutaki K, Nagaoka Y, Hayashi T, Uesato S. 논문명 : Therapeutic effect of arctiin and arctigenin in immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice infected with influenza A virus. 2010
4739 T-14-1645 저자명 : Lou Z, Wang H, Li J, Chen S, Zhu S, Ma C, Wang Z. 논문명 : Antioxidant activity and chemical composition of the fractions from burdock leaves. 2010
4738 T-14-1644 저자명 : Okada Y, Okada M, Sagesaka Y. 논문명 : Screening of dried plant seed extracts for adiponectin production activity and tumor necrosis factor-alpha inhibitory activity on 3T3-L1 adipocytes. 2010
4737 T-14-1643 저자명 : Dolan LC, Potter SM, Burdock GA. 논문명 : Evidence-based review on the effect of normal dietary consumption of fructose on blood lipids and body weight of overweight and obese individuals. 2010
4736 T-14-1632 저자명 : Marzouk B, Marzouk Z, Haloui E, Fenina N, Bouraoui A, Aouni M. 논문명 : Screening of analgesic and anti-inflammatory activities of Citrullus colocynthis from southern Tunisia. 2010
4735 T-14-1620 저자명 : Ye J, Meng X, Yan C, Wang C. 논문명 : Effect of purple sweet potato anthocyanins on beta-amyloid-mediated PC-12 cells death by inhibition of oxidative stress. 2010