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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5024 T-17-3674 저자명 : Hu Q, Pan R, Wang L, Peng B, Tang J, Liu X. 논문명 : Platycodon grandiflorum induces apoptosis in SKOV3 human ovarian cancer cells through mitochondrial-dependent pathway. 2010
5023 T-17-3673 저자명 : Yu JS, Kim AK. 논문명 : Platycodin D induces apoptosis in MCF-7 human breast cancer cells. 2010
5022 T-17-3672 저자명 : Jang DS, Lee YM, Jeong IH, Kim JS. 논문명 : Constituents of the flowers of Platycodon grandiflorum with inhibitory activity on advanced glycation end products and rat lens aldose reductase in vitro. 2010
5021 T-17-3671 저자명 : Oh YC, Kang OH, Choi JG, Lee YS, Brice OO, Jung HJ, Hong SH, Lee YM, Shin DW, Kim YS, Kwon DY. 논문명 : Anti-allergic activity of a platycodon root ethanol extract. 2010
5020 T-17-3662 저자명 : Yadav VR, Prasad S, Sung B, Kannappan R, Aggarwal BB. 논문명 : Targeting inflammatory pathways by triterpenoids for prevention and treatment of cancer. 2010
5019 T-17-3616 저자명 : Marsella R, Messinger L, Zabel S, Rosychuck R, Griffin C, Cronin PO, Belofsky G, Lindemann J, Stull D. 논문명 : A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study to evaluate the effect of EFF1001, an Actinidia arguta (hardy kiwi) preparation, on CADESI score and pruritus in dogs with mild to moderate atopic dermatitis. 2010
5018 T-17-3598 저자명 : Paek KW, Chun KH. 논문명 : Sex difference of type 2 diabetes affected by abdominal obesity versus overall obesity. 2010
5017 T-17-3533 저자명 : D챕cord챕 K, Ventura E, Lacan D, Ramos J, Cristol JP, Rouanet JM. 논문명 : An SOD rich melon extract Extramel prevents aortic lipids and liver steatosis in diet-induced model of atherosclerosis. 2010
5016 T-17-3530 저자명 : Vincent C, Boerlin P, Daignault D, Dozois CM, Dutil L, Galanakis C, Reid-Smith RJ, Tellier PP, Tellis PA, Ziebell K, Manges AR. 논문명 : Food reservoir for Escherichia coli causing urinary tract infections. 2010
5015 T-17-3528 저자명 : Ray RB, Raychoudhuri A, Steele R, Nerurkar P. 논문명 : Bitter melon (Momordica charantia) extract inhibits breast cancer cell proliferation by modulating cell cycle regulatory genes and promotes apoptosis. 2010