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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5074 T-17-4454 저자명 : C. Zhang, A. Browne, D. Child and R. E. Tanzi 논문명 : Curcumin decreases amyloid-beta peptide levels by attenuating the maturation of amyloid-beta precursor protein 2010
5073 T-17-4439 저자명 : S. Yodkeeree, C. Ampasavate, B. Sung, B. B. Aggarwal and P. Limtrakul 논문명 : Demethoxycurcumin suppresses migration and invasion of MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cell line 2010
5072 T-17-4432 저자명 : V. R. Yadav, S. Prasad, R. Kannappan, J. Ravindran, M. M. Chaturvedi, L. Vaahtera, J. Parkkinen and B. B. Aggarwal 논문명 : Cyclodextrin-complexed curcumin exhibits anti-inflammatory and antiproliferative activities superior to those of curcumin through higher cellular uptake 2010
5071 T-17-4411 저자명 : J. Wickenberg, S. L. Ingemansson and J. Hlebowicz 논문명 : Effects of Curcuma longa (turmeric) on postprandial plasma glucose and insulin in healthy subjects 2010
5070 T-17-4396 저자명 : H. M. Wang, Y. X. Zhao, S. Zhang, G. D. Liu, W. Y. Kang, H. D. Tang, J. Q. Ding and S. D. Chen 논문명 : PPARgamma agonist curcumin reduces the amyloid-beta-stimulated inflammatory responses in primary astrocytes 2010
5069 T-17-4384 저자명 : V. Vachharajani, S. W. Wang, N. Mishra, M. El Gazzar, B. Yoza and C. McCall 논문명 : Curcumin modulates leukocyte and platelet adhesion in murine sepsis 2010
5068 T-17-4368 저자명 : B. Tharakan, F. A. Hunter, W. R. Smythe and E. W. Childs 논문명 : Curcumin inhibits reactive oxygen species formation and vascular hyperpermeability following haemorrhagic shock 2010
5067 T-17-4360 저자명 : V. Tanwar, J. Sachdeva, K. Kishore, R. Mittal, T. C. Nag, R. Ray, S. Kumari and D. S. Arya 논문명 : Dose-dependent actions of curcumin in experimentally induced myocardial necrosis: a biochemical, histopathological, and electron microscopic evidence 2010
5066 T-17-4358 저자명 : Y. Tang and A. Chen 논문명 : Curcumin protects hepatic stellate cells against leptin-induced activation in vitro by accumulating intracellular lipids 2010
5065 T-17-4357 저자명 : Y. Tang and A. Chen 논문명 : Curcumin prevents leptin raising glucose levels in hepatic stellate cells by blocking translocation of glucose transporter-4 and increasing glucokinase 2010