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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
5104 T-17-4808 저자명 : Pang W, Jiang YG, Yang HP, Cheng DM, Lu H, Lu SJ. 논문명 : [Cytoprotective effect of blueberry extracts against oxidative damage of rat hippocampal neurons induced by H2O2]. 2010
5103 T-17-4807 저자명 : Chen JR, Lazarenko OP, Wu X, Kang J, Blackburn ML, Shankar K, Badger TM, Ronis MJ. 논문명 : Dietary-induced serum phenolic acids promote bone growth via p38 MAPK/棺-catenin canonical Wnt signaling. 2010
5102 T-17-4806 저자명 : Wang YP, Cheng ML, Zhang BF, Mu M, Wu J. 논문명 : Effects of blueberry on hepatic fibrosis and transcription factor Nrf2 in rats. 2010
5101 T-17-4805 저자명 : Acosta S, Jernberg J, Sanberg CD, Sanberg PR, Small BJ, Gemma C, Bickford PC. 논문명 : NT-020, a natural therapeutic approach to optimize spatial memory performance and increase neural progenitor cell proliferation and decrease inflammation in the aged rat. 2010
5100 T-17-4804 저자명 : Joseph JA, Shukitt-Hale B, Brewer GJ, Weikel KA, Kalt W, Fisher DR. 논문명 : Differential protection among fractionated blueberry polyphenolic families against DA-, Abeta(42)- and LPS-induced decrements in Ca(2+) buffering in primary hippocampal cells. 2010
5099 T-17-4803 저자명 : Basu A, Du M, Leyva MJ, Sanchez K, Betts NM, Wu M, Aston CE, Lyons TJ. 논문명 : Blueberries decrease cardiovascular risk factors in obese men and women with metabolic syndrome. 2010
5098 T-17-4802 저자명 : Wu X, Kang J, Xie C, Burris R, Ferguson ME, Badger TM, Nagarajan S. 논문명 : Dietary blueberries attenuate atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice by upregulating antioxidant enzyme expression. 2010
5097 T-17-4801 저자명 : Anderson JT, Sparks JP, Geber MA. 논문명 : Phenotypic plasticity despite source-sink population dynamics in a long-lived perennial plant. 2010
5096 T-17-4799 저자명 : Stull AJ, Cash KC, Johnson WD, Champagne CM, Cefalu WT. 논문명 : Bioactives in blueberries improve insulin sensitivity in obese, insulin-resistant men and women. 2010
5095 T-17-4798 저자명 : Yang H, Jiang Y. 논문명 : [Research progress of bioactive constituents, absorption, metabolism, and neuroprotective effects from blueberry]. 2010