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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6604 T-17-1467 저자명 : Bond H, Morton L, Braakhuis AJ. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate supplementation improves rowing performance in well-trained rowers. 2012
6603 T-17-1466 저자명 : Masschelein E, Van Thienen R, Wang X, Van Schepdael A, Thomis M, Hespel P. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate improves muscle but not cerebral oxygenation status during exercise in hypoxia. 2012
6602 T-17-1465 저자명 : Cermak NM, Res P, Stinkens R, Lundberg JO, Gibala MJ, van Loon LJ. 논문명 : No improvement in endurance performance after a single dose of beetroot juice. 2012
6601 T-17-1463 저자명 : Klewicka E, Nowak A, Zdu흦czyk Z, Ju힄kiewicz J, Cukrowska B. 논문명 : Protective effect of lactofermented red beetroot juice against aberrant crypt foci formation, genotoxicity of fecal water and oxidative stress induced by 2-amino-1-methyl-6-phenylimidazo[4,5-b] pyridine in rats model. 2012
6600 T-17-1458 저자명 : Coles LT, Clifton PM. 논문명 : Effect of beetroot juice on lowering blood pressure in free-living, disease-free adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. 2012
6599 T-17-1286 저자명 : Saoudi M, Ben Hsouna A, Trigui M, Jamoussi K, Jaoua S, El Feki A. 논문명 : Differential oxidative stress responses to methanol in intraperitoneally exposed rats: ameliorative effects of Opuntia vulgaris fruit extract. 2012
6598 T-17-1283 저자명 : Becerra-Jim챕nez J, Andrade-Cetto A. 논문명 : Effect of Opuntia streptacantha Lem. on alpha-glucosidase activity. 2012
6597 T-17-1280 저자명 : Alimi H, Hfaeidh N, Bouoni Z, Sakly M, Ben Rhouma K. 논문명 : Protective effect of Opuntia ficus indica f. inermis prickly pear juice upon ethanol-induced damages in rat erythrocytes. 2012
6596 T-17-1279 저자명 : de Oliveira e Silva AM, Vidal-Novoa A, Batista-Gonz찼lez AE, Pinto JR, Portari Mancini DA, Reina-Urquijo W, Mancini-Filho J. 논문명 : In vivo and in vitro antioxidant activity and hepatoprotective properties of polyphenols from Halimeda opuntia (Linnaeus) Lamouroux. 2012
6595 T-17-1278 저자명 : Zhao LY, Zhang SL, Yuan QX, Cheng J, Zeng FH. 논문명 : [Immunomodulatory effects of Opuntia dillenii polysaccharides on specific immune function of mice]. 2012