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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6614 T-17-1506 저자명 : Chantarudee A, Phuwapraisirisan P, Kimura K, Okuyama M, Mori H, Kimura A, Chanchao C. 논문명 : Chemical constituents and free radical scavenging activity of corn pollen collected from Apis mellifera hives compared to floral corn pollen at Nan, Thailand. 2012
6613 T-17-1484 저자명 : Klewicka E, Nowak A, Zdu흦czyk Z, Cukrowska B, B흢asiak J. 논문명 : Protective effect of lactofermented beetroot juice against aberrant crypt foci formation and genotoxicity of fecal water in rats. 2012
6612 T-17-1476 저자명 : Zieli흦ska-Przyjemska M, Olejnik A, Kostrzewa A, 흟uczak M, Jagodzi흦ski PP, Baer-Dubowska W. 논문명 : The beetroot component betanin modulates ROS production, DNA damage and apoptosis in human polymorphonuclear neutrophils. 2012
6611 T-17-1475 저자명 : Cermak NM, Gibala MJ, van Loon LJ. 논문명 : Nitrate supplementation's improvement of 10-km time-trial performance in trained cyclists. 2012
6610 T-17-1474 저자명 : Hobbs DA, Kaffa N, George TW, Methven L, Lovegrove JA. 논문명 : Blood pressure-lowering effects of beetroot juice and novel beetroot-enriched bread products in normotensive male subjects. 2012
6609 T-17-1472 저자명 : Miller GD, Marsh AP, Dove RW, Beavers D, Presley T, Helms C, Bechtold E, King SB, Kim-Shapiro D. 논문명 : Plasma nitrate and nitrite are increased by a high-nitrate supplement but not by high-nitrate foods in older adults. 2012
6608 T-17-1471 저자명 : Krajka-Ku탄niak V, Szaefer H, Ignatowicz E, Adamska T, Baer-Dubowska W. 논문명 : Beetroot juice protects against N-nitrosodiethylamine-induced liver injury in rats. 2012
6607 T-17-1470 저자명 : Wilkerson DP, Hayward GM, Bailey SJ, Vanhatalo A, Blackwell JR, Jones AM. 논문명 : Influence of acute dietary nitrate supplementation on 50 mile time trial performance in well-trained cyclists. 2012
6606 T-17-1469 저자명 : Engan HK, Jones AM, Ehrenberg F, Schagatay E. 논문명 : Acute dietary nitrate supplementation improves dry static apnea performance. 2012
6605 T-17-1468 저자명 : Murphy M, Eliot K, Heuertz RM, Weiss E. 논문명 : Whole beetroot consumption acutely improves running performance. 2012