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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6644 T-17-1881 저자명 : Jo JK, Ingale SL, Kim JS, Kim YW, Kim KH, Lohakare JD, Lee JH, Chae BJ. 논문명 : Effects of exogenous enzyme supplementation to corn- and soybean meal-based or complex diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and blood metabolites in growing pigs. 2012
6643 T-17-1880 저자명 : Bhuiyan MI, Kim JY, Ha TJ, Kim SY, Cho KO. 논문명 : Anthocyanins extracted from black soybean seed coat protect primary cortical neurons against in vitro ischemia. 2012
6642 T-17-1859 저자명 : Fernandes F, Sousa C, Ferreres F, Valent찾o P, Remi찾o F, Pereira JA, Andrade PB. 논문명 : Kale extract increases glutathione levels in V79 cells, but does not protect them against acute toxicity induced by hydrogen peroxide. 2012
6641 T-17-1858 저자명 : Giaconi JA, Yu F, Stone KL, Pedula KL, Ensrud KE, Cauley JA, Hochberg MC, Coleman AL; Study of Osteoporotic Fractures Research Group.. 논문명 : The association of consumption of fruits/vegetables with decreased risk of glaucoma among older African-American women in the study of osteoporotic fractures. 2012
6640 T-17-1773 저자명 : Jurgo흦ski A, Ju힄kiewicz J, Zdu흦czyk Z, Kr처l B. 논문명 : Caffeoylquinic acid-rich extract from chicory seeds improves glycemia, atherogenic index, and antioxidant status in rats. 2012
6639 T-17-1772 저자명 : Nowak A, Klimowicz A, Bielecka-Grzela S, Piechota M. 논문명 : [Inulin: a valuable nutritional component]. 2012
6638 T-17-1771 저자명 : Rend처n-Huerta JA, Ju찼rez-Flores B, Pinos-Rodr챠guez JM, Aguirre-Rivera JR, Delgado-Portales RE. 논문명 : Effects of different sources of fructans on body weight, blood metabolites and fecal bacteria in normal and obese non-diabetic and diabetic rats. 2012
6637 T-17-1770 저자명 : Vhile SG, Kjos NP, S첩rum H, Overland M. 논문명 : Feeding Jerusalem artichoke reduced skatole level and changed intestinal microbiota in the gut of entire male pigs. 2012
6636 T-17-1769 저자명 : Minaiyan M, Ghannadi AR, Mahzouni P, Abed AR. 논문명 : Preventive Effect of Cichorium Intybus L. Two Extracts on Cerulein-induced Acute Pancreatitis in Mice. 2012
6635 T-17-1768 저자명 : Al-Akhras MA, Aljarrah K, Al-Khateeb H, Jaradat A, Al-Omari A, Al-Nasser A, Masadeh MM, Amin A, Hamza A, Mohammed K, Al Olama M, Daoud S. 논문명 : Introducing Cichorium Pumilum as a potential therapeutical agent against drug-induced benign breast tumor in rats. 2012