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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6854 T-17-4211 저자명 : A. Patzko, Y. Bai, M. A. Saporta, I. Katona, X. Wu, D. Vizzuso, M. L. Feltri, S. Wang, L. M. Dillon, J. Kamholz, D. Kirschner, F. H. Sarkar, L. Wrabetz and M. E. Shy 논문명 : Curcumin derivatives promote Schwann cell differentiation and improve neuropathy in R98C CMT1B mice 2012
6853 T-17-4191 저자명 : R. P. Ojha, M. Rastogi, B. P. Devi, A. Agrawal and G. P. Dubey 논문명 : Neuroprotective effect of curcuminoids against inflammation-mediated dopaminergic neurodegeneration in the MPTP model of Parkinson's disease 2012
6852 T-17-4188 저자명 : E. F. Oga, S. Sekine, Y. Shitara and T. Horie 논문명 : P-glycoprotein mediated efflux in Caco-2 cell monolayers: the influence of herbals on digoxin transport 2012
6851 T-17-4179 저자명 : D. C. Nieman, L. Cialdella-Kam, A. M. Knab and R. A. Shanely 논문명 : Influence of red pepper spice and turmeric on inflammation and oxidative stress biomarkers in overweight females: a metabolomics approach 2012
6850 T-17-4177 저자명 : T. P. Ng, M. Niti, K. B. Yap and W. C. Tan 논문명 : Curcumins-rich curry diet and pulmonary function in Asian older adults 2012
6849 T-17-4175 저자명 : A. Nemmar, D. Subramaniyan and B. H. Ali 논문명 : Protective effect of curcumin on pulmonary and cardiovascular effects induced by repeated exposure to diesel exhaust particles in mice 2012
6848 T-17-4172 저자명 : S. V. Nampoothiri, E. K. Praseetha, V. V. Venugopalan and A. Nirmala Menon 논문명 : Process development for the enrichment of curcuminoids in turmeric spent oleoresin and its inhibitory potential against LDL oxidation and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2012
6847 T-17-4166 저자명 : A. S. Nada, A. M. Hawas, D. Amin Nel, M. M. Elnashar and Z. Y. Abd Elmageed 논문명 : Radioprotective effect of Curcuma longa extract on gamma-irradiation-induced oxidative stress in rats 2012
6846 T-17-4158 저자명 : S. Mouzaoui, I. Rahim and B. Djerdjouri 논문명 : Aminoguanidine and curcumin attenuated tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha-induced oxidative stress, colitis and hepatotoxicity in mice 2012
6845 T-17-4154 저자명 : J. M. Moran, R. Roncero-Martin, F. J. Rodriguez-Velasco, J. F. Calderon-Garcia, P. Rey-Sanchez, V. Vera, M. L. Canal-Macias and J. D. Pedrera-Zamorano 논문명 : Effects of curcumin on the proliferation and mineralization of human osteoblast-like cells: implications of nitric oxide 2012