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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6894 T-17-4747 저자명 : Kausar H, Jeyabalan J, Aqil F, Chabba D, Sidana J, Singh IP, Gupta RC. 논문명 : Berry anthocyanidins synergistically suppress growth and invasive potential of human non-small-cell lung cancer cells. 2012
6893 T-17-4743 저자명 : Khanal RC, Howard LR, Wilkes SE, Rogers TJ, Prior RL. 논문명 : Effect of dietary blueberry pomace on selected metabolic factors associated with high fructose feeding in growing Sprague-Dawley rats. 2012
6892 T-17-4742 저자명 : Heim KC, Angers P, L챕onhart S, Ritz BW. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory and neuroactive properties of selected fruit extracts. 2012
6891 T-17-4741 저자명 : Del Bo' C, Riso P, Brambilla A, Gardana C, Rizzolo A, Simonetti P, Bertolo G, Klimis-Zacas D, Porrini M. 논문명 : Blanching improves anthocyanin absorption from highbush blueberry ( Vaccinium corymbosum L.) pur챕e in healthy human volunteers: a pilot study. 2012
6890 T-17-4738 저자명 : [No authors listed] 논문명 : Eating more berries may reduce cognitive decline in the elderly: flavonoid-rich blueberries and strawberries offer most benefit. 2012
6889 T-17-4735 저자명 : Slatnar A, Jakopic J, Stampar F, Veberic R, Jamnik P. 논문명 : The effect of bioactive compounds on in vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity of different berry juices. 2012
6888 T-17-4727 저자명 : Plank DW, Szpylka J, Sapirstein H, Woollard D, Zapf CM, Lee V, Chen CY, Liu RH, Tsao R, D체sterloh A, Baugh S. 논문명 : Determination of antioxidant activity in foods and beverages by reaction with 2,2'-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH): collaborative study First Action 2012.04. 2012
6887 T-17-4625 저자명 : F. Ndiaye, T. Vuong, J. Duarte, R. E. Aluko and C. Matar 논문명 : Anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulating properties of an enzymatic protein hydrolysate from yellow field pea seeds 2012
6886 T-17-4623 저자명 : A. Clemente, M. Carmen Marin-Manzano, E. Jimenez, M. Carmen Arques and C. Domoney 논문명 : The anti-proliferative effect of TI1B, a major Bowman-Birk isoinhibitor from pea (Pisum sativum L.), on HT29 colon cancer cells is mediated through protease inhibition 2012
6885 T-17-4603 저자명 : Tada K, Kawahara K, Matsushita S, Hashiguchi T, Maruyama I, Kanekura T. 논문명 : MK615, a Prunus mume Steb. Et Zucc ('Ume') extract, attenuates the growth of A375 melanoma cells by inhibiting the ERK1/2-Id-1 pathway. 2012