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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
6884 T-17-4602 저자명 : Yi LT, Li J, Su DX, Dong JF, Li CF. 논문명 : Hypouricemic effect of the methanol extract from Prunus mume fruit in mice. 2012
6883 T-17-4601 저자명 : Hokari A, Ishikawa T, Tajiri H, Matsuda T, Ishii O, Matsumoto N, Okuse C, Takahashi H, Kurihara T, Kawahara K, Maruyama I, Zeniya M. 논문명 : Efficacy of MK615 for the treatment of patients with liver disorders. 2012
6882 T-17-4585 저자명 : Zhao D, Islam MN, Ahn BR, Jung HA, Kim BW, Choi JS. 논문명 : In vitro antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of Angelica decursiva. 2012
6881 T-17-4584 저자명 : Islam MN, Choi RJ, Jin SE, Kim YS, Ahn BR, Zhao D, Jung HA, Choi JS. 논문명 : Mechanism of anti-inflammatory activity of umbelliferone 6-carboxylic acid isolated from Angelica decursiva. 2012
6880 T-17-4540 저자명 : Chang B, Jin C, Zhang W, Kong L, Yang JH, Lian FM, Li QF, Yu B, Liu WK, Yang LL, Zhao P, Zhen Z. 논문명 : Euonymus alatus in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy in rats. 2012
6879 T-17-4496 저자명 : Uguralp S, Ozturk F, Aktay G, Cetin A, Gursoy S. 논문명 : The antioxidant effects of dry apricot in the various tissues of rats with induced cold restraint stress. 2012
6878 T-17-4494 저자명 : Tada K, Kawahara K, Matsushita S, Hashiguchi T, Maruyama I, Kanekura T. 논문명 : MK615, a Prunus mume Steb. Et Zucc ('Ume') extract, attenuates the growth of A375 melanoma cells by inhibiting the ERK1/2-Id-1 pathway. 2012
6877 T-17-4493 저자명 : Nabeshima S, Kashiwagi K, Ajisaka K, Masui S, Takeoka H, Ikematsu H, Kashiwagi S. 논문명 : A randomized, controlled trial comparing traditional herbal medicine and neuraminidase inhibitors in the treatment of seasonal influenza. 2012
6876 T-17-4492 저자명 : Khan A, Sulkowski ZL, Chen T, Zavacki AM, Sajdel-Sulkowska EM. 논문명 : Sex-dependent changes in cerebellar thyroid hormone-dependent gene expression following perinatal exposure to thimerosal in rats. 2012
6875 T-17-4490 저자명 : Cossu A, Posadino AM, Giordo R, Emanueli C, Sanguinetti AM, Piscopo A, Poiana M, Capobianco G, Piga A, Pintus G. 논문명 : Apricot melanoidins prevent oxidative endothelial cell death by counteracting mitochondrial oxidation and membrane depolarization. 2012