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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12114 T-18-1044 저자명 : Sharma S, Rana S, Patial V, Gupta M, Bhushan S, Padwad YS. 논문명 : Antioxidant and hepatoprotective effect of polyphenols from apple pomace extract via apoptosis inhibition and Nrf2 activation in mice. 2016
12113 T-18-1043 저자명 : Shin SK, Cho SJ, Jung UJ, Ryu R, Choi MS. 논문명 : Phlorizin Supplementation Attenuates Obesity, Inflammation, and Hyperglycemia in Diet-Induced Obese Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet. 2016
12112 T-18-1042 저자명 : Sampath C, Zhu Y, Sang S, Ahmedna M. 논문명 : Bioactive compounds isolated from apple, tea, and ginger protect against dicarbonyl induced stress in cultured human retinal epithelial cells. 2016
12111 T-18-1041 저자명 : Jiang T, Gao X, Wu C, Tian F, Lei Q, Bi J, Xie B, Wang HY, Chen S, Wang X. 논문명 : Apple-Derived Pectin Modulates Gut Microbiota, Improves Gut Barrier Function, and Attenuates Metabolic Endotoxemia in Rats with Diet-Induced Obesity. 2016
12110 T-18-1040 저자명 : Meira NA, Rocha LW, da Silva GF, Quintal ZM, Delle Monache F, Cechinel Filho V, Quint찾o NL. 논문명 : Chrysophyllum cainito leaves are effective against pre-clinical chronic pain models: Analysis of crude extract, fraction and isolated compounds in mice. 2016
12109 T-18-1039 저자명 : DeChristopher LR, Uribarri J, Tucker KL. 논문명 : Intake of high-fructose corn syrup sweetened soft drinks, fruit drinks and apple juice is associated with prevalent arthritis in US adults, aged 20-30 years. 2016
12108 T-18-1038 저자명 : Sonthalia N, Jain S, Pawar S, Zanwar V, Surude R, Rathi PM. 논문명 : Primary hepatic amyloidosis: A case report and review of literature. 2016
12107 T-18-1037 저자명 : Heidarisafar Z, Sadeghi G, Karimi A, Azizi O. 논문명 : Apple peel waste as a natural antioxidant for heat-stressed broiler chickens. 2016
12106 T-18-1036 저자명 : Fabiani R, Minelli L, Rosignoli P. 논문명 : Apple intake and cancer risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. 2016
12105 T-18-1035 저자명 : Moodalbail DG, Apple LZ, Meyers KE, Ginsberg JP, Kaplan BS, Bellah R. 논문명 : Acquired Multiple Cysts of the Kidney in Neuroblastoma Survivors. 2016