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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
12144 T-18-1075 저자명 : Tanaka S, Yamamoto K, Yamada K, Furuya K, Uyeno Y. 논문명 : Relationship of Enhanced Butyrate Production by Colonic Butyrate-Producing Bacteria to Immunomodulatory Effects in Normal Mice Fed an Insoluble Fraction of Brassica rapa L. 2016
12143 T-18-1074 저자명 : Aksu EH, Akman O, 횜m체r AD, Karaku힊 E, Can I, Kandemir FM, Dorman E, U챌ar 횜. 논문명 : 3,3 diindolylmethane leads to apoptosis, decreases sperm quality, affects blood estradiol 17 棺 and testosterone, oestrogen (慣 and 棺) and androgen receptor levels in the reproductive system in male rats. 2016
12142 T-18-1073 저자명 : Felker P, Bunch R, Leung AM. 논문명 : Concentrations of thiocyanate and goitrin in human plasma, their precursor concentrations in brassica vegetables, and associated potential risk for hypothyroidism. 2016
12141 T-18-1072 저자명 : Fabroni S, Ballistreri G, Amenta M, Romeo FV, Rapisarda P. 논문명 : Screening of the anthocyanin profile and in vitro pancreatic lipase inhibition by anthocyanin-containing extracts of fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals. 2016
12140 T-18-1071 저자명 : Vivarelli F, Canistro D, Sapone A, De Nicola GR, Babot Marquillas C, Iori R, Antonazzo IC, Gentilini F, Paolini M. 논문명 : Raphanus sativus cv. Sango Sprout Juice Decreases Diet-Induced Obesity in Sprague Dawley Rats and Ameliorates Related Disorders. 2016
12139 T-18-1070 저자명 : Kaulmann A, Legay S, Schneider YJ, Hoffmann L, Bohn T. 논문명 : Inflammation related responses of intestinal cells to plum and cabbage digesta with differential carotenoid and polyphenol profiles following simulated gastrointestinal digestion. 2016
12138 T-18-1069 저자명 : Berdja S, Smail L, Saka B, Neggazi S, Haffaf el-M, Benazzoug Y, Kacimi G, Boudarene L, Aouichat Bouguerra S. 논문명 : Glucotoxicity Induced Oxidative Stress and Inflammation In Vivo and In Vitro in Psammomys obesus: Involvement of Aqueous Extract of Brassica rapa rapifera. 2016
12137 T-18-1068 저자명 : Worm M, Gr체nhagen J, D철lle S. 논문명 : [Food-induced anaphylaxis - data from the anaphylaxis registry]. 2016
12136 T-18-1067 저자명 : Cruz AB, Pitz HD, Veber B, Bini LA, Maraschin M, Zeni AL. 논문명 : Assessment of bioactive metabolites and hypolipidemic effect of polyphenolic-rich red cabbage extract. 2016
12135 T-18-1066 저자명 : Ferruzza S, Natella F, Ranaldi G, Murgia C, Rossi C, Tro큄t K, Mattivi F, Nardini M, Maldini M, Giusti AM, Moneta E, Scaccini C, Sambuy Y, Morelli G, Baima S. 논문명 : Nutraceutical Improvement Increases the Protective Activity of Broccoli Sprout Juice in a Human Intestinal Cell Model of Gut Inflammation. 2016