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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8434 T-14-1319 저자명 : Xiang J, Xiang Y, Lin S, Xin D, Liu X, Weng L, Chen T, Zhang M. 논문명 : Anticancer effects of deproteinized asparagus polysaccharide on hepatocellular carcinoma in vitro and in vivo. 2014
8433 T-14-1317 저자명 : Garabadu D, Krishnamurthy S. 논문명 : Asparagus racemosus attenuates anxiety-like behavior in experimental animal models. 2014
8432 T-14-1314 저자명 : Verma SP, Tripathi VC, Das P. 논문명 : Asparagus racemosus leaf extract inhibits growth of UOK 146 renal cell carcinoma cell line: simultaneous oncogenic PRCCTFE3 fusion transcript inhibition and apoptosis independent cell death. 2014
8431 T-14-1313 저자명 : Di Pompo G, Poli F, Mandrone M, Lorenzi B, Roncuzzi L, Baldini N, Granchi D. 논문명 : Comparative in vitro 2014
8430 T-14-1310 저자명 : Weng LL, Xiang JF, Lin JB, Yi SH, Yang LT, Li YS, Zeng HT, Lin SM, Xin DW, Zhao HL, Qiu SQ, Chen T, Zhang MG. 논문명 : Asparagus polysaccharide and gum with hepatic artery embolization induces tumor growth and inhibits angiogenesis in an orthotopic hepatocellular carcinoma model. 2014
8429 T-14-1299 저자명 : Choi MS, Ryu R, Seo YR, Jeong TS, Shin DH, Park YB, Kim SR, Jung UJ. 논문명 : The beneficial effect of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) leaf extracts in adults with prediabetes: a randomized placebo controlled trial. 2014
8428 T-14-1298 저자명 : Kim UH, Yoon JH, Li H, Kang JH, Ji HS, Park KH, Shin DH, Park HY, Jeong TS. 논문명 : Pterocarpan-enriched soy leaf extract ameliorates insulin sensitivity and pancreatic β-cell proliferation in type 2 diabetic mice. 2014
8427 T-14-1290 저자명 : Sun J, Gu YF, Su XQ, Li MM, Huo HX, Zhang J, Zeng KW, Zhang Q, Zhao YF, Li J, Tu PF. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory lignanamides from the roots of Solanum melongena L. 2014
8426 T-14-1258 저자명 : Shih CC, Shlau MT, Lin CH, Wu JB. 논문명 : Momordica charantia ameliorates insulin resistance and dyslipidemia with altered hepatic glucose production and fatty acid synthesis and AMPK phosphorylation in high-fat-fed mice. 2014
8425 T-14-1249 저자명 : Manoharan G, Jaiswal SR, Singh J. 논문명 : Effect of a, b momorcharin on viability, caspase activity, cytochrome c release and on cytosolic calcium levels in different cancer cell lines. 2014