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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8474 T-14-1808 저자명 : Mohanraj R, Sivasankar S. 논문명 : Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam)--a valuable medicinal food: a review. 2014
8473 T-14-1806 저자명 : Amish Burn Study Group, Kolacz NM, Jaroch MT, Bear ML, Hess RF. 논문명 : The effect of Burns & Wounds (B&W)/burdock leaf therapy on burn-injured Amish patients: a pilot study measuring pain levels, infection rates, and healing times. 2014
8472 T-14-1802 저자명 : Rokayya S, Li CJ, Zhao Y, Li Y, Sun CH. 논문명 : Cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) phytochemicals with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potential. 2014
8471 T-14-1607 저자명 : Ito T, Maeda T, Goto K, Miura T, Wakame K, Nishioka H, Sato A. 논문명 : Enzyme-treated asparagus extract promotes expression of heat shock protein and exerts antistress effects. 2014
8470 T-14-1606 저자명 : Lee JW, Lee JH, Yu IH, Gorinstein S, Bae JH, Ku YG. 논문명 : Bioactive compounds, antioxidant and binding activities and spear yield of Asparagus officinalis L. 2014
8469 T-14-1581 저자명 : Jung HA, Karki S, Ehom NY, Yoon MH, Kim EJ, Choi JS. 논문명 : Anti-Diabetic and Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Green and Red Kohlrabi Cultivars (Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes). 2014
8468 T-14-1579 저자명 : Kuntz S, Kunz C. 논문명 : Extracts from Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala var. sabellica inhibit TNF-慣 stimulated neutrophil adhesion in vitro under flow conditions. 2014
8467 T-14-1564 저자명 : Senadheera SP, Ekanayake S, Wanigatunge C. 논문명 : Anti-diabetic properties of rice-based herbal porridges in diabetic Wistar rats. 2014
8466 T-14-1556 저자명 : Kuo CH, Weng BC, Wu CC, Yang SF, Wu DC, Wang YC. 논문명 : Apigenin has anti-atrophic gastritis and anti-gastric cancer progression effects in Helicobacter pylori-infected Mongolian gerbils. 2014
8465 T-14-1554 저자명 : Jung KH, Choi HL, Park S, Lee G, Kim M, Min JK, Min BI, Bae H. 논문명 : The effects of the standardized herbal formula PM014 on pulmonary inflammation and airway responsiveness in a murine model of cockroach allergen-induced asthma. 2014