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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8464 T-14-1546 저자명 : Otsuka H, Gotoh Y, Komeno T, Ono T, Kawasaki Y, Iida N, Shibagaki Y, Hattori S, Tomatsu M, Akiyama H, Tashiro F. 논문명 : Aralin, a type II ribosome-inactivating protein from Aralia elata, exhibits selective anticancer activity through the processed form of a 110-kDa high-density lipoprotein-binding protein: a promising anticancer drug. 2014
8463 T-14-1544 저자명 : Shibu MA, Yang HH, Lo CT, Lin HS, Liu SY, Peng KC. 논문명 : Characterization of a novel resistance-related deoxycytidine deaminase from Brassica oleracea var. capitata. 2014
8462 T-14-1542 저자명 : Elhalem E, Recio R, Werner S, Lieder F, Calder처n-Monta챰o JM, L처pez-L찼zaro M, Fern찼ndez I, Khiar N. 논문명 : Sulforaphane homologues: Enantiodivergent synthesis of both enantiomers, activation of the Nrf2 transcription factor and selective cytotoxic activity. 2014
8461 T-14-1529 저자명 : Hsu CY, Yeh TH, Huang MY, Hu SP, Chao PY, Yang CM. 논문명 : Organ-specific distribution of chlorophyll-related compounds from dietary spinach in rabbits. 2014
8460 T-14-1524 저자명 : Moran Lauter AN, Peiffer GA, Yin T, Whitham SA, Cook D, Shoemaker RC, Graham MA. 논문명 : Identification of candidate genes involved in early iron deficiency chlorosis signaling in soybean (Glycine max) roots and leaves. 2014
8459 T-14-1523 저자명 : Azuma N, Iida O, Takahara M, Soga Y, Kodama A. 논문명 : Surgical reconstruction versus peripheral intervention in patients with critical limb ischemia - a prospective multicenter registry in Japan: the SPINACH study design and rationale. 2014
8458 T-14-1518 저자명 : Lo HY, Ho TY, Li CC, Chen JC, Liu JJ, Hsiang CY. 논문명 : A novel insulin receptor-binding protein from Momordica charantia enhances glucose uptake and glucose clearance in vitro and in vivo through triggering insulin receptor signaling pathway. 2014
8457 T-14-1508 저자명 : Ippoushi K, Ueda H, Takeuchi A. 논문명 : Milk prevents the degradation of daikon (Raphanus sativus L.) isothiocyanate and enhances its absorption in rats. 2014
8456 T-14-1507 저자명 : Rieman MT, Neely AN, Boyce ST, Kossenjans WJ, Durkee PJ, Zembrodt JM, Puthoff BK, Kagan RJ. 논문명 : Amish burn ointment and burdock leaf dressings: assessments of antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities. 2014
8455 T-14-1506 저자명 : Dar UK, Owais F, Ahmad M, Rizwani GH. 논문명 : Biochemical analysis of the crude extract of Momordica charantia (L.). 2014