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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8534 T-17-0233 저자명 : Yang SA, Jung YS, Lee SJ, Park SC, Kim MJ, Lee EJ, Byun HJ, Jhee KH, Lee SP. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective effects of fermented field water-dropwort (Oenanthe javanica) extract and its major constituents. 2014
8533 T-17-0232 저자명 : Kim M, Kim E, Kwak HS, Jeong Y. 논문명 : The ingredients in Saengshik, a formulated health food, inhibited the activity of 慣-amylase and 慣-glucosidase as anti-diabetic function. 2014
8532 T-17-0231 저자명 : Tae HJ, Park JH, Cho JH, Kim IH, Ahn JH, Lee JC, Kim JD, Park J, Choi SY, Won MH. 논문명 : Oenanthe javanica extract increases immunoreactivities of antioxidant enzymes in the rat kidney. 2014
8531 T-17-0219 저자명 : Lee MY, Shin IS, Kyoung H, Seo CS, Son JK, Shin HK. 논문명 : 慣-Spinasterol from Melandrium firmum attenuates benign prostatic hyperplasia in a rat model. 2014
8530 T-17-0211 저자명 : Li H, Lee HS, Kim SH, Moon B, Lee C. 논문명 : Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of methanol extracts of Tremella fuciformis and its major phenolic acids. 2014
8529 T-17-0210 저자명 : Zhang Z, Wang X, Zhao M, Qi H. 논문명 : Free-radical degradation by Fe2+/Vc/H2O2 and antioxidant activity of polysaccharide from Tremella fuciformis. 2014
8528 T-17-0181 저자명 : Gunawardena D, Bennett L, Shanmugam K, King K, Williams R, Zabaras D, Head R, Ooi L, Gyengesi E, M체nch G. 논문명 : Anti-inflammatory effects of five commercially available mushroom species determined in lipopolysaccharide and interferon-款 activated murine macrophages. 2014
8527 T-17-0180 저자명 : Yan ZF, Liu NX, Mao XX, Li Y, Li CT. 논문명 : Activation effects of polysaccharides of Flammulina velutipes mycorrhizae on the T lymphocyte immune function. 2014
8526 T-17-0178 저자명 : Yeh MY, Ko WC, Lin LY. 논문명 : Hypolipidemic and antioxidant activity of enoki mushrooms (Flammulina velutipes). 2014
8525 T-17-0174 저자명 : Wu M, Luo X, Xu X, Wei W, Yu M, Jiang N, Ye L, Yang Z, Fei X. 논문명 : Antioxidant and immunomodulatory activities of a polysaccharide from Flammulina velutipes. 2014