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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8574 T-17-0513 저자명 : Feng Z, Hai-ning Y, Xiao-man C, Zun-chen W, Sheng-rong S, Das UN. 논문명 : Effect of yellow capsicum extract on proliferation and differentiation of 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. 2014
8573 T-17-0512 저자명 : Ogunruku OO, Oboh G, Ademosun AO. 논문명 : Water Extractable Phytochemicals from Peppers (Capsicum spp.) Inhibit Acetylcholinesterase and Butyrylcholinesterase Activities and Prooxidants Induced Lipid Peroxidation in Rat Brain In Vitro. 2014
8572 T-17-0511 저자명 : Kim JY, Lee MS, Jung S, Joo H, Kim CT, Kim IH, Seo S, Oh S, Kim Y. 논문명 : Anti-obesity efficacy of nanoemulsion oleoresin capsicum in obese rats fed a high-fat diet. 2014
8571 T-17-0509 저자명 : Li J, Wang R, Xiao C. 논문명 : Association between chilli food habits with iron status and insulin resistance in a Chinese population. 2014
8570 T-17-0508 저자명 : Tan S, Gao B, Tao Y, Guo J, Su ZQ. 논문명 : Antiobese effects of capsaicin-chitosan microsphere (CCMS) in obese rats induced by high fat diet. 2014
8569 T-17-0507 저자명 : Bravo D, Pirgozliev V, Rose SP. 논문명 : A mixture of carvacrol, cinnamaldehyde, and capsicum oleoresin improves energy utilization and growth performance of broiler chickens fed maize-based diet. 2014
8568 T-17-0506 저자명 : Rahman MM, Habib MR, Hasan MA, Al Amin M, Saha A, Mannan A. 논문명 : Comparative assessment on in vitro antioxidant activities of ethanol extracts of Averrhoa bilimbi, Gymnema sylvestre and Capsicum frutescens.` 2014
8567 T-17-0505 저자명 : Thiel A, Buskens C, Woehrle T, Etheve S, Schoenmakers A, Fehr M, Beilstein P. 논문명 : Black pepper constituent piperine: genotoxicity studies in vitro and in vivo. 2014
8566 T-17-0504 저자명 : Liu Y, Song M, Che TM, Lee JJ, Bravo D, Maddox CW, Pettigrew JE. 논문명 : Dietary plant extracts modulate gene expression profiles in ileal mucosa of weaned pigs after an Escherichia coli infection. 2014
8565 T-17-0502 저자명 : Pabalan N, Jarjanazi H, Ozcelik H. 논문명 : The impact of capsaicin intake on risk of developing gastric cancers: a meta-analysis. 2014