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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8834 T-17-3082 저자명 : Huang SS, Yan YH, Ko CH, Chen KM, Lee SC, Liu CT. 논문명 : A Comparison of Food-grade Folium mori ( S훮ng Y챔) Extract and 1-Deoxynojirimycin for Glycemic Control and Renal Function in Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rats. 2014
8833 T-17-3061 저자명 : Rathinam T, Gadde U, Chapman HD. 논문명 : Sericea Lespedeza has no anticoccidial effect when included in the diet of chickens infected with three species of Eimeria. 2014
8832 T-17-3042 저자명 : Wei J, Lin L, Su X, Qin S, Xu Q, Tang Z, Deng Y, Zhou Y, He S. 논문명 : Anti-hepatitis B virus activity of Boehmeria nivea leaf extracts in human HepG2.2.15 cells. 2014
8831 T-17-3041 저자명 : Shin EJ, Sung MJ, Yang HJ, Kim MS, Hwang JT. 논문명 : Boehmeria nivea attenuates the development of dextran sulfate sodium-induced experimental colitis. 2014
8830 T-17-3040 저자명 : Li H, Liu Y, Zeng G, Zhou L, Wang X, Wang Y, Wang C, Hu X, Xu W. 논문명 : Enhanced efficiency of cadmium removal by Boehmeria nivea (L.) Gaud. in the presence of exogenous citric and oxalic acids. 2014
8829 T-17-2974 저자명 : Lu M, Sun L, Zhou J, Yang J. 논문명 : Dihydroartemisinin induces apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells through the mitochondria-dependent pathway. 2014
8828 T-17-2973 저자명 : Zhang XG, Li GX, Zhao SS, Xu FL, Wang YH, Wang W. 논문명 : A review of dihydroartemisinin as another gift from traditional Chinese medicine not only for malaria control but also for schistosomiasis control. 2014
8827 T-17-2972 저자명 : Lu X, Zhang F, Shen Q, Jiang W, Pan Q, Lv Z, Yan T, Fu X, Wang Y, Qian H, Tang K. 논문명 : Overexpression of allene oxide cyclase improves the biosynthesis of artemisinin in Artemisia annua L. 2014
8826 T-17-2971 저자명 : Kim MH, Seo JY, Liu KH, Kim JS. 논문명 : Protective effect of Artemisia annua L. extract against galactose-induced oxidative stress in mice. 2014
8825 T-17-2970 저자명 : Zhu S, Liu W, Ke X, Li J, Hu R, Cui H, Song G. 논문명 : Artemisinin reduces cell proliferation and induces apoptosis in neuroblastoma. 2014