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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8874 T-17-3383 저자명 : Liu L, Xia B, Jin C, Zhang Y, Zhang Y. 논문명 : Chemical acylation of water-soluble antioxidant of bamboo leaves (AOB-w) and functional evaluation of oil-soluble AOB (cAOB-o). 2014
8873 T-17-3382 저자명 : Wang Z, Han Z, Qiu CQ, Huang Z, Sun G, Lu W, Chen X, Qin X. 논문명 : Research on antioxidant activity of EOB-F and its function in the diagnosis of heart and cerebral vessels. 2014
8872 T-17-3381 저자명 : Chou CW, Cheng YW, Tsai CH. 논문명 : Phyllostachys edulis extract induces apoptosis signaling in osteosarcoma cells, associated with AMPK activation. 2014
8871 T-17-3237 저자명 : Zhao T, Mao G, Zhang M, Zou Y, Feng W, Gu X, Zhu Y, Mao R, Yang L, Wu X. 논문명 : Enhanced antitumor and reduced toxicity effect of Schisanreae polysaccharide in 5-Fu treated Heps-bearing mice. 2014
8870 T-17-3236 저자명 : Wang X, Hu D, Zhang L, Lian G, Zhao S, Wang C, Yin J, Wu C, Yang J. 논문명 : Gomisin A inhibits lipopolysaccharide-induced inflammatory responses in N9 microglia via blocking the NF-觀B/MAPKs pathway. 2014
8869 T-17-3234 저자명 : Yen MH, Lee JJ, Yeh CF, Wang KC, Chiang YW, Chiang LC, Chang JS. 논문명 : Yakammaoto inhibited human coxsackievirus B4 (CVB4)-induced airway and renal tubular injuries by preventing viral attachment, internalization, and replication. 2014
8868 T-17-3232 저자명 : Zhao T, Feng Y, Li J, Mao R, Zou Y, Feng W, Zheng D, Wang W, Chen Y, Yang L, Wu X. 논문명 : Schisandra polysaccharide evokes immunomodulatory activity through TLR 4-mediated activation of macrophages. 2014
8867 T-17-3231 저자명 : Park HJ, Lee SJ, Song Y, Jang SH, Ko YG, Kang SN, Chung BY, Kim HD, Kim GS, Cho JH. 논문명 : Schisandra chinensis prevents alcohol-induced fatty liver disease in rats. 2014
8866 T-17-3230 저자명 : Liu SJ, Qu HM, Ren YP. 논문명 : SCP, a polysaccharide from Schisandra chinensis, induces apoptosis in human renal cell carcinoma Caki-1 cells through mitochondrial-dependent pathway via inhibition of ERK activation. 2014
8865 T-17-3229 저자명 : Qu HM, Liu SJ, Zhang CY. 논문명 : Antitumor and antiangiogenic activity of Schisandra chinensis polysaccharide in a renal cell carcinoma model. 2014