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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
8884 T-17-3483 저자명 : Nguyen BC, Taira N, Tawata S. 논문명 : Several herbal compounds in Okinawa plants directly inhibit the oncogenic/aging kinase PAK1. 2014
8883 T-17-3480 저자명 : Khalili M, Ebrahimzadeh MA, Safdari Y. 논문명 : Antihaemolytic activity of thirty herbal extracts in mouse red blood cells. 2014
8882 T-17-3393 저자명 : Oh HA, Kim MJ, Shin TY, Kim HM, Jeong HJ. 논문명 : The antiallergic mechanisms of Citrus sunki and bamboo salt (K-ALL) in an allergic rhinitis model. 2014
8881 T-17-3390 저자명 : Kumar S, Sharma G, Sidiq T, Khajuria A, Jain M, Bhagwat D, Dhar KL. 논문명 : Immunomodulatory potential of a bioactive fraction from the leaves of Phyllostachys bambusoides (bamboo) in BALB/c mice. 2014
8880 T-17-3389 저자명 : Usha T, Middha SK, Bhattacharya M, Lokesh P, Goyal AK. 논문명 : Rosmarinic Acid, a New Polyphenol from Baccaurea ramiflora Lour. Leaf: A Probable Compound for Its Anti-Inflammatory Activity. 2014
8879 T-17-3388 저자명 : Kim J, Kim YS, Lee HA, Lim JY, Kim M, Kwon O, Ko HC, Kim SJ, Shin JH, Kim Y. 논문명 : Sasa quelpaertensis leaf extract improves high fat diet-induced lipid abnormalities and regulation of lipid metabolism genes in rats. 2014
8878 T-17-3387 저자명 : Kim MH, Seo JH, Kim HM, Jeong HJ. 논문명 : Zinc oxide nanoparticles, a novel candidate for the treatment of allergic inflammatory diseases. 2014
8877 T-17-3386 저자명 : Jiang YH, Wang P, Yang HJ, Chen Y. 논문명 : The efficacy of bamboo charcoal in comparison with smectite to reduce the detrimental effect of aflatoxin B1 on in vitro rumen fermentation of a hay-rich feed mixture. 2014
8876 T-17-3385 저자명 : Chen CC, Lin JT, Cheng YF, Kuo CY, Huang CF, Kao SH, Liang YJ, Cheng CY, Chen HM. 논문명 : Amelioration of LPS-induced inflammation response in microglia by AMPK activation. 2014
8875 T-17-3384 저자명 : Nam SY, Oh HA, Choi Y, Park KY, Kim HM, Jeong HJ. 논문명 : Inhibition of IL-32 signaling by bamboo salt decreases pro-inflammatory responses in cellular models of allergic rhinitis. 2014