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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9564 T-14-1356 저자명 : Choi YW, Lee KP, Kim JM, Kang S, Park SJ, Lee JM, Moon HR, Jung JH, Lee YG, Im DS. 논문명 : Petatewalide B, a novel compound from Petasites japonicus with anti-allergic activity. 2015
9563 T-14-1355 저자명 : Lou SN, Lai YC, Huang JD, Ho CT, Ferng LH, Chang YC. 논문명 : Drying effect on flavonoid composition and antioxidant activity of immature kumquat. 2015
9562 T-14-1349 저자명 : Olatunji OJ, Chen H, Zhou Y. 논문명 : Anti-Ulcerogenic Properties of Lycium chinense Mill Extracts against Ethanol-Induced Acute Gastric Lesion in Animal Models and Its Active Constituents. 2015
9561 T-14-1308 저자명 : Fan R, Yuan F, Wang N, Gao Y, Huang Y. 논문명 : Extraction and analysis of antioxidant compounds from the residues of Asparagus officinalis L. 2015
9560 T-14-1307 저자명 : Lee HJ, Park JS, Yoon YP, Shin YJ, Lee SK, Kim YS, Hong JH, Son KH, Lee CJ. 논문명 : Dioscin and methylprotodioscin isolated from the root of Asparagus cochinchinensis suppressed the gene expression and production of airway MUC5AC mucin induced by phorbol ester and growth factor. 2015
9559 T-14-1306 저자명 : Zhong C, Jiang C, Xia X, Mu T, Wei L, Lou Y, Zhang X, Zhao Y, Bi X. 논문명 : Antihepatic Fibrosis Effect of Active Components Isolated from Green Asparagus (Asparagus officinalis L.) Involves the Inactivation of Hepatic Stellate Cells. 2015
9558 T-14-1305 저자명 : Teka A, Rondevaldova J, Asfaw Z, Demissew S, Van Damme P, Kokoska L, Vanhove W. 논문명 : In vitro antimicrobial activity of plants used in traditional medicine in Gurage and Silti Zones, south central Ethiopia. 2015
9557 T-14-1294 저자명 : Sugimoto Y, Nishimura K, Itoh A, Tanahashi T, Nakajima H, Oshiro H, Sun S, Toda T, Yamada J. 논문명 : Serotonergic mechanisms are involved in antidepressant-like effects of bisbenzylisoquinolines liensinine and its analogs isolated from the embryo of Nelumbo nucifera?꿆aertner seeds in mice. 2015
9556 T-14-1237 저자명 : Manjappa B, Gangaraju S, Girish KS, Kemparaju K, Gonchigar SJ, Shankar RL, Shinde M, Sannaningaiah D. 논문명 : Momordica charantia seed extract exhibits strong anticoagulant effect by specifically interfering in intrinsic pathway of blood coagulation and dissolves fibrin clot. 2015
9555 T-14-1233 저자명 : Cao D, Sun Y, Wang L, He Q, Zheng J, Deng F, Deng S, Chang S, Yu X, Li M, Meng Y, Jin J, Shen F. 논문명 : Alpha-momorcharin (a-MMC) exerts effective anti-human breast tumor activities but has a narrow therapeutic window in vivo. 2015