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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9584 T-14-1517 저자명 : Goyal M. 논문명 : Traditional plants used for the treatment of diabetes mellitus in Sursagar constituency, Jodhpur, Rajasthan - An ethnomedicinal survey. 2015
9583 T-14-1516 저자명 : Lim SH, Song JH, Kim DH, Kim JK, Lee JY, Kim YM, Ha SH. 논문명 : Activation of anthocyanin biosynthesis by expression of the radish R2R3-MYB transcription factor gene RsMYB1. 2015
9582 T-14-1510 저자명 : Matera R, Gabbanini S, Berretti S, Amorati R, De Nicola GR, Iori R, Valgimigli L. 논문명 : Acylated anthocyanins from sprouts of Raphanus sativus cv. Sango: isolation, structure elucidation and antioxidant activity. 2015
9581 T-14-1496 저자명 : Kitzm체ller C, Zulehner N, Roulias A, Briza P, Ferreira F, Fa챕 I, Fischer GF, Bohle B. 논문명 : Correlation of sensitizing capacity and T-cell recognition within the Bet v 1 family. 2015
9580 T-14-1470 저자명 : Yin A, Yang Z, Ebbs S, Yuan J, Wang J, Yang J. 논문명 : Effects of phosphorus on chemical forms of Cd in plants of four spinach (Spinacia oleracea L.) cultivars differing in Cd accumulation. 2015
9579 T-14-1468 저자명 : Medagama AB, Senadhira D. 논문명 : Use of household ingredients as complementary medicines for perceived hypoglycemic benefit among Sri Lankan diabetic patients; a cross-sectional survey. 2015
9578 T-14-1466 저자명 : Fernandes JC, Cobb F, Tracana S, Costa GJ, Valente I, Goulao LF, Am창ncio S. 논문명 : Relating Water Deficiency to Berry Texture, Skin Cell Wall Composition, and Expression of Remodeling Genes in Two Vitis vinifera L. Varieties. 2015
9577 T-14-1462 저자명 : Fornaciari S, Milano F, Mussi F, Pinto-Sanchez L, Forti L, Buschini A, Arru L. 논문명 : Assessment of antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of spinach plants grown under low oxygen availability. 2015
9576 T-14-1461 저자명 : Wang Z, Wu Q, Meng Y, Sun Y, Wang Q, Yang C, Wang Q, Yang B, Kuang H. 논문명 : Determination and pharmacokinetic study of two triterpenoid saponins in rat plasma after oral administration of the extract of Aralia elata leaves by UHPLC-ESI-MS/MS. 2015
9575 T-14-1459 저자명 : Schmidt W, Redshaw CH. 논문명 : Evaluation of biological endpoints in crop plants after exposure to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs): implications for phytotoxicological assessment of novel contaminants. 2015