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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9594 T-14-1558 저자명 : Kusunoki M, Sato D, Tsutsumi K, Tsutsui H, Nakamura T, Oshida Y. 논문명 : Black soybean extract improves lipid profiles in fenofibrate-treated type 2 diabetics with postprandial hyperlipidemia. 2015
9593 T-14-1555 저자명 : Hu J, Li Z, Xu LT, Sun AJ, Fu XY, Zhang L, Jing LL, Lu AD, Dong YF, Jia ZP. 논문명 : Protective effect of apigenin on ischemia/reperfusion injury of the isolated rat heart. 2015
9592 T-14-1548 저자명 : Kusunoki M, Sato D, Tsutsumi K, Tsutsui H, Nakamura T, Oshida Y. 논문명 : Black soybean extract improves lipid profiles in fenofibrate-treated type 2 diabetics with postprandial hyperlipidemia. 2015
9591 T-14-1547 저자명 : Badshah H, Ali T, Ahmad A, Kim MJ, Abid NB, Shah SA, Yoon GH, Lee HY, Kim MO. 논문명 : Co-Treatment with Anthocyanins and Vitamin C Ameliorates Ethanol- Induced Neurodegeneration via Modulation of GABAB Receptor Signaling in the Adult Rat Brain. 2015
9590 T-14-1543 저자명 : Yang B, Li X, Zhang C, Yan S, Wei W, Wang X, Deng X, Qian H, Lin H, Huang W. 논문명 : Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of novel peptide MC2 analogues from Momordica charantia as potential anti-diabetic agents. 2015
9589 T-14-1541 저자명 : Heidmann I, Boutilier K. 논문명 : Pepper, sweet (Capsicum annuum). 2015
9588 T-14-1530 저자명 : Rebello CJ, O'Neil CE, Greenway FL. 논문명 : Gut fat signaling and appetite control with special emphasis on the effect of thylakoids from spinach on eating behavior. 2015
9587 T-14-1528 저자명 : Jadoon S, Karim S, Bin Asad MH, Akram MR, Khan AK, Malik A, Chen C, Murtaza G. 논문명 : Anti-Aging Potential of Phytoextract Loaded-Pharmaceutical Creams for Human Skin Cell Longetivity. 2015
9586 T-14-1527 저자명 : Sayantan D, Shardendu. 논문명 : Phosphorus amendment competitively prevents chromium uptake and mitigates its toxicity in Spinacea oleracea L. 2015
9585 T-14-1525 저자명 : Kr처l A, Amarowicz R, Weidner S. 논문명 : The effects of cold stress on the phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) leaves. 2015