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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9814 T-17-1412 저자명 : Zamani P, Rawat D, Shiva-Kumar P, Geraci S, Bhuva R, Konda P, Doulias PT, Ischiropoulos H, Townsend RR, Margulies KB, Cappola TP, Poole DC, Chirinos JA. 논문명 : Effect of inorganic nitrate on exercise capacity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. 2015
9813 T-17-1411 저자명 : Kerley CP, Cahill K, Bolger K, McGowan A, Burke C, Faul J, Cormican L. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate supplementation in COPD: an acute, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, crossover trial. 2015
9812 T-17-1410 저자명 : Kim JK, Moore DJ, Maurer DG, Kim-Shapiro DB, Basu S, Flanagan MP, Skulas-Ray AC, Kris-Etherton P, Proctor DN. 논문명 : Acute dietary nitrate supplementation does not augment submaximal forearm exercise hyperemia in healthy young men. 2015
9811 T-17-1409 저자명 : Rienks JN, Vanderwoude AA, Maas E, Blea ZM, Subudhi AW. 논문명 : Effect of Beetroot Juice on Moderate-Intensity Exercise at a Constant Rating of Perceived Exertion. 2015
9810 T-17-1408 저자명 : Keen JT, Levitt EL, Hodges GJ, Wong BJ. 논문명 : Short-term dietary nitrate supplementation augments cutaneous vasodilatation and reduces mean arterial pressure in healthy humans. 2015
9809 T-17-1407 저자명 : Shepherd AI, Wilkerson DP, Dobson L, Kelly J, Winyard PG, Jones AM, Benjamin N, Shore AC, Gilchrist M. 논문명 : The effect of dietary nitrate supplementation on the oxygen cost of cycling, walking performance and resting blood pressure in individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A double blind placebo controlled, randomised control trial. 2015
9808 T-17-1405 저자명 : Cicero AF, Colletti A. 논문명 : Nutraceuticals and Blood Pressure Control: Results from Clinical Trials and Meta-Analyses. 2015
9807 T-17-1404 저자명 : MacLeod KE, Nugent SF, Barr SI, Koehle MS, Sporer BC, MacInnis MJ. 논문명 : Acute Beetroot Juice Supplementation Does Not Improve Cycling Performance in Normoxia or Moderate Hypoxia. 2015
9806 T-17-1403 저자명 : Levitt EL, Keen JT, Wong BJ. 논문명 : Augmented reflex cutaneous vasodilatation following short-term dietary nitrate supplementation in humans. 2015
9805 T-17-1402 저자명 : Thompson C, Wylie LJ, Fulford J, Kelly J, Black MI, McDonagh ST, Jeukendrup AE, Vanhatalo A, Jones AM. 논문명 : Dietary nitrate improves sprint performance and cognitive function during prolonged intermittent exercise. 2015