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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9884 T-17-2002 저자명 : Lin SY, Hung MH, Hameed A, Liu YC, Hsu YH, Wen CZ, Arun AB, Busse HJ, Glaeser SP, K채mpfer P, Young CC. 논문명 : Rhizobium capsici sp. nov., isolated from root tumor of a green bell pepper (Capsicum annuum var. grossum) plant. 2015
9883 T-17-2001 저자명 : McCrea CE, West SG, Kris-Etherton PM, Lambert JD, Gaugler TL, Teeter DL, Sauder KA, Gu Y, Glisan SL, Skulas-Ray AC. 논문명 : Effects of culinary spices and psychological stress on postprandial lipemia and lipase activity: results of a randomized crossover study and in vitro experiments. 2015
9882 T-17-2000 저자명 : Garibaldi BT, West NE, Illei PB, Terry PB. 논문명 : Bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia following a jalape챰o grease fire. 2015
9881 T-17-1999 저자명 : Liu R, Heiss EH, Guo D, Dirsch VM, Atanasov AG. 논문명 : Capsaicin from chili ( Capsicum spp.) inhibits vascular smooth muscle cell proliferation. 2015
9880 T-17-1998 저자명 : Kim DS, Kim NH, Hwang BK. 논문명 : The Capsicum annuum class IV chitinase ChitIV interacts with receptor-like cytoplasmic protein kinase PIK1 to accelerate PIK1-triggered cell death and defence responses. 2015
9879 T-17-1997 저자명 : Xiao HJ, Jin JH, Chai WG, Gong ZH. 논문명 : Cloning and expression analysis of pepper chlorophyll catabolite reductase gene CaRCCR. 2015
9878 T-17-1996 저자명 : Wlodarska M, Willing BP, Bravo DM, Finlay BB. 논문명 : Phytonutrient diet supplementation promotes beneficial Clostridia species and intestinal mucus secretion resulting in protection against enteric infection. 2015
9877 T-17-1995 저자명 : Lewinska A, Jarosz P, Czech J, Rzeszutek I, Bielak-Zmijewska A, Grabowska W, Wnuk M. 논문명 : Capsaicin-induced genotoxic stress does not promote apoptosis in A549 human lung and DU145 prostate cancer cells. 2015
9876 T-17-1994 저자명 : Emran TB, Rahman MA, Uddin MM, Rahman MM, Uddin MZ, Dash R, Layzu C. 논문명 : Effects of organic extracts and their different fractions of five Bangladeshi plants on in vitro thrombolysis. 2015
9875 T-17-1993 저자명 : Golynski M, Balicki I, Lutnicki K, Smiech A, Adamek L, Szczepanik M, Wilkolek P, Brodzki A, Adaszek L. 논문명 : Systemic and local effects of intragastric administration of the habanero fruit (Capsicum chinense Jacquin c.v.) in rats. 2015