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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
9854 T-17-1746 저자명 : Lepczynski A, Herosimczyk A, Ozgo M, Skomial J, Taciak M, Barszcz M, Berezecka N. 논문명 : Dietary supplementation with dried chicory root triggers changes in the blood serum proteins engaged in the clotting process and the innate immune response in growing pigs. 2015
9853 T-17-1744 저자명 : Lin W, Liu C, Yang H, Wang W, Ling W, Wang D. 논문명 : Chicory, a typical vegetable in Mediterranean diet, exerts a therapeutic role in established atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-deficient mice. 2015
9852 T-17-1743 저자명 : Yook JS, Kim M, Pichiah PB, Jung SJ, Chae SW, Cha YS. 논문명 : The Antioxidant Properties and Inhibitory Effects on HepG2 Cells of Chicory Cultivated Using Three Different Kinds of Fertilizers in the Absence and Presence of Pesticides. 2015
9851 T-17-1742 저자명 : Nishimura M, Ohkawara T, Kanayama T, Kitagawa K, Nishimura H, Nishihira J. 논문명 : Effects of the extract from roasted chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) root containing inulin-type fructans on blood glucose, lipid metabolism, and fecal properties. 2015
9850 T-17-1741 저자명 : Walzer SM, Weinmann D, Toegel S. 논문명 : Medical Plant Extracts for Treating Knee Osteoarthritis: a Snapshot of Recent Clinical Trials and Their Biological Background. 2015
9849 T-17-1740 저자명 : Tong J, Yao X, Zeng H, Zhou G, Chen Y, Ma B, Wang Y. 논문명 : Hepatoprotective activity of flavonoids from Cichorium glandulosum seeds in vitro and in vivo carbon tetrachloride-induced hepatotoxicity. 2015
9848 T-17-1739 저자명 : Li GY, Zheng YX, Sun FZ, Huang J, Lou MM, Gu JK, Wang JH. 논문명 : In Silico Analysis and Experimental Validation of Active Compounds from Cichorium intybus L. Ameliorating Liver Injury. 2015
9847 T-17-1738 저자명 : Ahmad L, Semotiuk A, Zafar M, Ahmad M, Sultana S, Liu QR, Zada MP, Ul Abidin SZ, Yaseen G. 논문명 : Ethnopharmacological documentation of medicinal plants used for hypertension among the local communities of DIR Lower, Pakistan. 2015
9846 T-17-1737 저자명 : Krylova SG, Vymyatnina ZK, Zueva EP, Amosova EN, Razina TG, Litvinenko VI. 논문명 : Effects of Cichorium Intybus L. Root Extract on Secretory Activity of the Stomach in Health and Ulcer Disease. 2015
9845 T-17-1736 저자명 : Tong J, Ma B, Ge L, Mo Q, Zhou G, He J, Wang Y. 논문명 : Dicaffeoylquinic Acid-Enriched Fraction of Cichorium glandulosum Seeds Attenuates Experimental Type 1 Diabetes via Multipathway Protection. 2015