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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10074 T-17-4162 저자명 : K. Murata, S. Matsumura, Y. Yoshioka, Y. Ueno and H. Matsuda 논문명 : Screening of beta-secretase and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from plant resources 2015
10073 T-17-4157 저자명 : A. Moustapha, P. A. Peretout, N. E. Rainey, F. Sureau, M. Geze, J. M. Petit, E. Dewailly, C. Slomianny and P. X. Petit 논문명 : Curcumin induces crosstalk between autophagy and apoptosis mediated by calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum, lysosomal destabilization and mitochondrial events 2015
10072 T-17-4150 저자명 : M. S. Monsey, D. M. Gerhard, L. M. Boyle, M. A. Briones, M. Seligsohn and G. E. Schafe 논문명 : A diet enriched with curcumin impairs newly acquired and reactivated fear memories 2015
10071 T-17-4147 저자명 : A. R. Moghadam, S. Tutunchi, A. Namvaran-Abbas-Abad, M. Yazdi, F. Bonyadi, D. Mohajeri, M. Mazani, H. Marzban, M. J. Los and S. Ghavami 논문명 : Pre-administration of turmeric prevents methotrexate-induced liver toxicity and oxidative stress 2015
10070 T-17-4145 저자명 : M. I. Moaty, S. Fouad, S. M. El Shebini, Y. M. Kazem, N. H. Ahmed, M. S. Mohamed, A. M. Hussein, A. M. Arafa, L. M. Hanna and S. T. Tapozada 논문명 : Serum Ceramide Kinase as a Biomarker of Cognitive Functions, and the Effect of Using Two Slimming Dietary Therapies in Obese Middle Aged Females 2015
10069 T-17-4134 저자명 : L. M. Mendonca, S. Machado Cda, C. C. Teixeira, L. A. Freitas, M. L. Bianchi and L. M. Antunes 논문명 : Comparative study of curcumin and curcumin formulated in a solid dispersion: Evaluation of their antigenotoxic effects 2015
10068 T-17-4131 저자명 : C. E. McCrea, S. G. West, P. M. Kris-Etherton, J. D. Lambert, T. L. Gaugler, D. L. Teeter, K. A. Sauder, Y. Gu, S. L. Glisan and A. C. Skulas-Ray 논문명 : Effects of culinary spices and psychological stress on postprandial lipemia and lipase activity: results of a randomized crossover study and in vitro experiments 2015
10067 T-17-4126 저자명 : C. A. Martins, G. Leyhausen, J. Volk and W. Geurtsen 논문명 : Curcumin in Combination with Piperine Suppresses Osteoclastogenesis In Vitro 2015
10066 T-17-4123 저자명 : D. Margina, O. T. Olaru, M. Ilie, D. Gradinaru, C. GuTu, S. Voicu, A. Dinischiotu, D. A. Spandidos and A. M. Tsatsakis 논문명 : Assessment of the potential health benefits of certain total extracts from Vitis vinifera, Aesculus hyppocastanum and Curcuma longa 2015
10065 T-17-4115 저자명 : N. Maithili Karpaga Selvi, M. G. Sridhar, R. P. Swaminathan and R. Sripradha 논문명 : Efficacy of Turmeric as Adjuvant Therapy in Type 2 Diabetic Patients 2015