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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10524 T-17-0275 저자명 : Cardenia V, Rodriguez-Estrada MT, Lorenzini A, Bandini E, Angeloni C, Hrelia S, Malaguti M. 논문명 : Effect of broccoli extract enriched diet on liver cholesterol oxidation in rats subjected to exhaustive exercise. 2016
10523 T-17-0274 저자명 : Sudini K, Diette GB, Breysse PN, McCormack MC, Bull D, Biswal S, Zhai S, Brereton N, Peng RD, Matsui EC. 논문명 : A Randomized Controlled Trial of the Effect of Broccoli Sprouts on Antioxidant Gene Expression and Airway Inflammation in Asthmatics. 2016
10522 T-17-0273 저자명 : Rajesh V, Ilanthalir S. 논문명 : Cognition Enhancing Activity of Sulforaphane Against Scopolamine Induced Cognitive Impairment in Zebra Fish (Danio rerio). 2016
10521 T-17-0272 저자명 : Aborehab NM, El Bishbishy MH, Waly NE. 논문명 : Resistin mediates tomato and broccoli extract effects on glucose homeostasis in high fat diet-induced obesity in rats. 2016
10520 T-17-0271 저자명 : Adachi C, Yamanaka-Okumura H, Katayama T, Taketani Y, Takeda E. 논문명 : Single vegetable meal content equivalence as an alternative to fat for satiety: a randomised trial in Japanese women. 2016
10519 T-17-0270 저자명 : Kim SM. 논문명 : Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of 3,3'-Diindolylmethane in Gastrointestinal Cancer. 2016
10518 T-17-0269 저자명 : Duran CG, Burbank AJ, Mills KH, Duckworth HR, Aleman MM, Kesic MJ, Peden DB, Pan Y, Zhou H, Hernandez ML. 논문명 : A proof-of-concept clinical study examining the NRF2 activator sulforaphane against neutrophilic airway inflammation. 2016
10517 T-17-0268 저자명 : Xu Z, Wang S, Ji H, Zhang Z, Chen J, Tan Y, Wintergerst K, Zheng Y, Sun J, Cai L. 논문명 : Broccoli sprout extract prevents diabetic cardiomyopathy via Nrf2 activation in db/db T2DM mice. 2016
10516 T-17-0267 저자명 : Luo T, Miranda-Garcia O, Adamson A, Hamilton-Reeves J, Sullivan DK, Kinchen JM, Shay NF. 논문명 : Consumption of Walnuts in Combination with Other Whole Foods Produces Physiologic, Metabolic, and Gene Expression Changes in Obese C57BL/6J High-Fat-Fed Male Mice. 2016
10515 T-17-0266 저자명 : Pastrello C, Tsay M, McQuaid R, Abovsky M, Pasini E, Shirdel E, Angeli M, Tokar T, Jamnik J, Kotlyar M, Jurisicova A, Kotsopoulos J, El-Sohemy A, Jurisica I. 논문명 : Circulating plant miRNAs can regulate human gene expression in vitro. 2016