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문헌정보 : 논문ID, 저자/논문명, 발간년도 항목에 관한 표입니다.
번호 논문ID 저자 /논문명 발간년도
10594 T-17-0986 저자명 : Guo C, Ding G, Huang W, Wang Z, Meng Z, Xiao W. 논문명 : Total saponin of Dioscoreae hypoglaucae rhizoma ameliorates streptozotocin-induced diabetic nephropathy. 2016
10593 T-17-0985 저자명 : Jayachandran KS, Vasanthi AH, Gurusamy N. 논문명 : Steroidal Saponin Diosgenin from Dioscorea bulbifera Protects Cardiac Cells from Hypoxia-reoxygenation Injury Through Modulation of Pro-survival and Pro-death Molecules. 2016
10592 T-17-0984 저자명 : Chen Y, Chen XL, Xiang T, Sun BG, Luo HX, Liu MT, Chen ZX, Zhang SJ, Wang CJ. 논문명 : Total saponins from dioscorea septemloba thunb reduce serum uric acid levels in rats with hyperuricemia through OATP1A1 up-regulation. 2016
10591 T-17-0983 저자명 : Liu Y, Li H, Fan Y, Man S, Liu Z, Gao W, Wang T. 논문명 : Antioxidant and Antitumor Activities of the Extracts from Chinese Yam (Dioscorea opposite Thunb.) Flesh and Peel and the Effective Compounds. 2016
10590 T-17-0982 저자명 : Tan H, He Q, Li R, Lei F, Lei X. 논문명 : Trillin Reduces Liver Chronic Inflammation and Fibrosis in Carbon Tetrachloride (CCl4) Induced Liver Injury in Mice. 2016
10589 T-17-0981 저자명 : Ma N, Hou YZ, Wang XL, Mao JY. 논문명 : [Analysis of Medication Laws for Chinese Medicine Treating Hypertension Patients with Yin Defi- ciency Yang Hyperactivity Syndrome Based on Literatures]. 2016
10588 T-17-0980 저자명 : Dai B, Wu Q, Zeng C, Zhang J, Cao L, Xiao Z, Yang M. 논문명 : The effect of Liuwei Dihuang decoction on PI3K/Akt signaling pathway in liver of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) rats with insulin resistance. 2016
10587 T-17-0979 저자명 : Fedotoval YO, Shleikin AG. 논문명 : [PHYTOSAPONINS OF DIOSCOREA: PROSPECTS FOR APPLICATION IN WOMEN]. 2016
10586 T-17-0978 저자명 : Chan PY, Tang SM, Au SC, Rong SS, Lau HH, Ko ST, Ng DS, Chen LJ, Yam JC. 논문명 : Association of Gestational Hypertensive Disorders with Retinopathy of prematurity: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. 2016
10585 T-17-0977 저자명 : Wan HL, Chen HZ, Shi XQ. 논문명 : Study on effect of Traditional Chinese Medicine Jianpi Chushi decoction and ointment on chronic eczema. 2016